Calling the Native API While Freestanding

When developing minimal, freestanding Windows programs, it’s obviously beneficial to take full advantage of dynamic libraries that are already linked rather than duplicate that functionality in the application itself. Every Windows process automatically, and involuntarily, has kernel32.dll and ntdll.dll loaded into its process space before it starts. As discussed previously, kernel32.dll provides the Windows API (Win32). The other, ntdll.dll, provides the Native API for user space applications, and is the focus of this article.

The Native API is a low-level API, a foundation for the implementation of the Windows API and various components that don’t use the Windows API (drivers, etc.). It includes a runtime library (RTL) suitable for replacing important parts of the C standard library, unavailable to freestanding programs. Very useful for a minimal program.

Unfortunately, using the Native API is a bit of a minefield. Not all of the documented Native API functions are actually exported by ntdll.dll, making them inaccessible both for linking and GetProcAddress(). Some are exported, but not documented as such. Others are documented as exported but are not documented when (which release of Windows). If a particular function wasn’t exported until Windows 8, I don’t want to use when supporting Windows 7.

This is further complicated by the Microsoft Windows SDK, where many of these functions are just macros that alias C runtime functions. Naturally, MinGW closely follows suit. For example, in both cases, here is how the Native API function RtlCopyMemory is “declared.”

#define RtlCopyMemory(dest,src,n) memcpy((dest),(src),(n))

This is certainly not useful for freestanding programs, though it has a significant benefit for hosted programs: The C compiler knows the semantics of memcpy() and can properly optimize around it. Any C compiler worth its salt will replace a small or aligned, fixed-sized memcpy() or memmove() with the equivalent inlined code. For example:

    char buffer0[16];
    char buffer1[16];
    // ...
    memcpy(buffer0, buffer1, 16);
    // ...

On x86_64 (GCC 4.9.3, -Os), this memmove() call is replaced with two instructions. This isn’t possible when calling an opaque function in a non-standard dynamic library. The side effects could be anything.

    movaps  xmm0, [rsp + 48]
    movaps  [rsp + 32], xmm0

These Native API macro aliases are what have allowed certain Wine issues to slip by unnoticed for years. Very few user space applications actually call Native API functions, even when addressed directly by name in the source. The development suite is pulling a bait and switch.

Like last time I danced at the edge of the compiler, this has caused headaches in my recent experimentation with freestanding executables. The MinGW headers assume that the programs including them will link against a C runtime. Dirty hack warning: To work around it, I have to undo the definition in the MinGW headers and make my own. For example, to use the real RtlMoveMemory():

#include <windows.h>

#undef RtlMoveMemory
void RtlMoveMemory(void *, const void *, size_t);

Anywhere where I might have previously used memmove() I can instead use RtlMoveMemory(). Or I could trivially supply my own wrapper:

void *
memmove(void *d, const void *s, size_t n)
    RtlMoveMemory(d, s, n);
    return d;

As of this writing, the same approach is not reliable with RtlCopyMemory(), the cousin to memcpy(). As far as I can tell, it was only exported starting in Windows 7 SP1 and Wine 1.7.46 (June 2015). Use RtlMoveMemory() instead. The overlap-handling overhead is negligible compared to the function call overhead anyway.

As a side note: one reason besides minimalism for not implementing your own memmove() is that it can’t be implemented efficiently in a conforming C program. According to the language specification, your implementation of memmove() would not be permitted to compare its pointer arguments with <, >, <=, or >=. That would lead to undefined behavior when pointing to unrelated objects (ISO/IEC 9899:2011 §6.5.8¶5). The simplest legal approach is to allocate a temporary buffer, copy the source buffer into it, then copy it into the destination buffer. However, buffer allocation may fail — i.e. NULL return from malloc() — introducing a failure case to memmove(), which isn’t supposed to fail.

Update July 2016: Alex Elsayed pointed out a solution to the memmove() problem in the comments. In short: iterate over the buffers bytewise (char *) using equality (==) tests to check for an overlap. In theory, a compiler could optimize away the loop and make it efficient.

I keep mentioning Wine because I’ve been careful to ensure my applications run correctly with it. So far it’s worked perfectly with both Windows API and Native API functions. Thanks to the hard work behind the Wine project, despite being written sharply against the Windows API, these tiny programs remain relatively portable (x86 and ARM). It’s a good fit for graphical applications (games), but I would never write a command line application like this. The command line has always been a second class citizen on Windows.

Now that I’ve got these Native API issues sorted out, I’ve significantly expanded the capabilities of my tiny, freestanding programs without adding anything to their size. Functions like RtlUnicodeToUTF8N() and RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN() will surely be handy.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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