An Entropy-Efficient Virtual Dice Rolling Algorithm

This is related to a project I am working on and will post here soon. I imagine that, with a little more effort, this algorithm could turn into a short amateur paper.

Suppose you want to use a computer to simulate the roll of two six-sided dice (notated 2d6). The simplest approach would be to replicate the results the same way you would roll dice: independently and randomly generate two numbers between 1 and 6 inclusively. We easily can do this for any number of dice, we just iterate and roll each die. Like this recursive function,

(defun roll (n sides)
  "Roll n dice with given number of sides."
  (if (zerop n) ()
    (cons (1+ (random sides))
          (roll (1- n) sides))))

However, generating a number between 1 and 6 wastes small amounts of entropy. A six-sided die only takes about 2.58 bits of entropy to generate. Since we can only use bits discretely we have to spend 3 bits, throwing out 0.42 bits. On top of that, when we pull out 3 bits and they are out of range (0 or 7) we have to throw them out and try again.

Let's say we wanted to roll 10 dice, or 100 dice, or 1000 dice? Do we really need to generate that many numbers individually? That's a lot of wasted entropy adding up, entropy which can be expensive to gather. Well, we could instead use the probability distribution of the roll so that only a single number needs to be generated.

For a 2d6 roll, there are 36 unique possible outcomes (6^2). We could select a number between 0 and 35, then choose that specific roll. This roll can be calculated with a series of division and modulus operations (u for a number from a uniform distribution) (also, note that the division is integer division),

(defun roll-perm (n s u)
  "Get uth permutation of n s-sided dice."
  (if (zerop n) ()
    (let ((perms (expt s (1- n))))
      (cons (1+ (/ u perms))
            (roll-perm (1- n) s (mod u perms))))))

If we're only interested in the sum, we could save memory by making this tail recursive — or iterative — and summing the dice as we calculate them. Ignoring the exponent, this is O(n), not better than the simple algorithm in terms of growth rate. This algorithm is more efficient when it comes to entropy, though.

Consider 3d6, with 216 possible outcomes, ideally with the simple algorithm takes 3 3-bit rolls, consuming 9 bits. About 1.25 bits was not actually used (0.42 * 3). In the entropy-efficient algorithm we need about 7.75 bits, so it only consumes 8 bits of entropy. We saved a bit. That gap only gets larger with more dice. For 100d6 the simple algorithm uses 41 more bits than necessary.

The efficient roll is basically defragmenting the individual rolls on the entropy stream.

In non-ideal world, though, some cases don't work out well. In 12d6, almost half the numbers (compared to 25% in the case of 1d6) from the uniform distribution will be out of range and a lot more bits would be needed. On average, rolling dice individually (or only some of them individually) for 12d6 will be more efficient.

The efficient algorithm is only more efficient above a point near where mod(log2(s), 1) < mod(log2(n^s), 1).

And, all of this doesn't come without a cost. You must pay the piper, and this algorithm is paid with CPU and memory. Notice that exponent there? That has to be done to exact precision (no floating point), and it grows very quickly. If you want to roll more than a handful of dice, you will be crunching some large numbers. Rolling just 100d6 means you have to work with a 78 digit integer. 10000d6 is a 7782 digit integer. These can't be done in floating point because the resolution of floating point is too low: some rolls would not be possible.

The exponent could be memoized to trade some of that CPU time for more memory usage. Still, pretty costly. If you don't value your entropy, the tradeoff might not be worth it.

I can't see a way around performing that calculation. We need to know that big number exactly. Perhaps a mathematician might be able to manipulate the formulas such that it's not so expensive.

If you're rolling lots of dice and you want to preserve binary entropy, try it out. If you want to be really efficient queue up rolls — or generate them ahead of time — so that the number of outcomes is just below a power of two. In the case of d6, some good number of dice to roll are 17 (~43.94 bits), 29 (~74.96), 41 (~105.983), 94 (~242.986 bits), 200 (~516.993), 253 (~653.995 bits), 306 (~791.99853 bits), and 971 (~2509.99859 bits). (Notice these get closer and closer to an integer number of bits.)

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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