SSH and GPG Agents

If you’re using SSH or GPG with any sort of frequency, you should definitely be using their accompanying *-agent programs. The agents allow you to gain a whole lot of convenience without compromising your security. Many people seem to be unaware these tools exist, so here’s an overview along with some tips on how to use them effectively.

Let’s start from the top.

Both SSH and GPG involve the use of asymmetric encryption, and the private key is protected by a user-entered passphrase. The private key is generally never written in to the filesystem in plaintext. In the case of GPG, these keys are the primary focus of the application. For SSH, they’re a useful tool to make accessing remote machines less tedious. (The SSH server is authenticated by a public key, too, but this is unrelated to agents.)

For those who are unaware, rather than enter a password when logging into a remove machine, you can identify yourself by a public key. Generating a key is simple.


You’ll almost certainly want to accept the default location for the key (~/.ssh/id_rsa) because this is where SSH will look for it. Make sure you enter a passphrase, which will encrypt the private key. The reason this is important is because, without it, anyone who gains access to your id_rsa file will be able to access any remote systems that have been told to trust your public key. By having a passphrase, this person needs not only the id_rsa file, but also the passphrase (two-factor authentication), so you probably want to pick a long, strong one. This may sound inconvenient, but ssh-agent will help you.

The key generation process will create two files: id_rsa (private key) and (public key). The latter is what you give to remote systems.

Telling a remote system about your key is simple,

ssh-copy-id <host>

This will copy your to the remote system, prompting you for the password on the remote system (not the passphrase you just entered), adding it to the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. From this point on, all logins will use your new keypair rather than prompt you for a password. Since you put a passphrase on your key, this may seem pointless — it seems you still need to type in a password for every connection. Bear with me here!

As a side note, you should have a unique SSH keypair for each site, so you’ll have several of them. This way you can revoke access to a particular site without affecting the others.

For GPG — the GNU Privacy Guard, the free software PGP implementation — your keys are stored under ~/.gnupg/ in a database. Generating a key is also a simple command,

gpg --gen-key

This is a slightly more complicated process, which I won’t get into here. In contrast to SSH, you’ll generally have only one keypair per identity (i.e. you only have one).

So you’ve got these keys are encrypted by passphrases. If they’re going to be any use then they’ll be long, annoying things that are a pain to type in. If that was the end of the story this would be really inconvenient, enough to make the use of passphrases too costly for many people to bother. Fortunately, we have agents to help.

An agent is a daemon process that can hold onto your passphrase (gpg-agent) or your private key (ssh-agent) so that you only need to enter your passphrase once within in some period of time (possibly for the entire life of the agent process), rather than type it many times over and over again as it’s needed. The agents are very careful about how they hold on to this sensitive information, such as avoiding having it written to swap. You can also configure how long you want them to hold onto your passphrase/key before purging it from memory.

The ssh and gpg programs need to know where to find the agents. This is done through environmental variables. For ssh-agent, the process ID is stored in SSH_AGENT_PID and the location of the Unix socket for communication is in SSH_AUTH_SOCK. gpg-agent stuffs everything into one variable, GPG_AGENT_INFO (which is a pain if you want to use this information in a script). When the main program is invoked and it needs to use the private key, it will use these variables and get in touch with the agent to see if it can supply the needed information without bothering the user.

Remember, a process can’t change the environment of their parent process so you need to set this information in the agent’s parent shell somehow. There are two methods to set these up: eval and exec.

When you start the agent, it forks off its daemon process and prints the variable information to stdout. This can be evaled directly into the current environment. You could drop these lines directly in your .bashrc so that the agents are always there. (Though they won’t exit with your shell, lingering around uselessly! More on this ahead.)

eval $(ssh-agent)
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)

For the exec method, you replace your current shell with a new one with a modified environment. To do this, you ask the agent to exec into a shell, with the variables set, rather than return control.

exec ssh-agent bash
exec gpg-agent --daemon bash

As cool trick, you can chain these together. ssh-agent becomes gpg-agent which then becomes bash.

exec ssh-agent gpg-agent --daemon bash

Note that gpg-agent is capable of being an ssh-agent as well by using the --enable-ssh-support option, so you don’t need to launch an ssh-agent. Unfortunately, I don’t like to use this because gpg-agent gets a little too personal with the SSH key, storing its own copy with its own passphrase again.

On the other hand, gpg-agent is much more advanced than OpenSSH’s ssh-agent. When you want to have ssh-agent manage a key, you need to first tell it about the key with ssh-add. With no arguments, it will use ~/.ssh/id_rsa. If you forget to do this, ssh will ask for your passphrase directly, in your terminal, not allowing ssh-agent to hold onto it. By comparison, gpg will always ask gpg-agent to retrieve your passphrase when it’s needed (if the agent is available), so it will cache your passphrase on demand. No need to explicitly register with the agent. Even better, it will try its best to use a “PIN entry” program to read your key, which helps protect against some kinds of keyloggers — preventing other processes from seeing your keystrokes.

Well, this is all fine and dandy except when you’ve already got an agent running. Say you’re launching a new terminal emulator window from an existing one, creating a new shell. Unfortunately, even though you have agents running and they’re listed in your environment (from the origin shell), they’ll still spawn new agents! This is really lousy behavior, in my opinion. There’s no --inherit option to tell them to silently pass along the information of the existing agent if it appears to be valid. This causes two problems. One, you’ll need to enter your passphrases again for the new agent. Second, these new agents will linger around after the spawning shell has exited — hogging important non-swappable memory.

The direct workaround is to, in your shell init script, check for these variables yourself and check that they’re valid (the agent process is still running) before trying to spawn any agents. This is tedious, error-prone, and makes each user do a lot of work that could have been done in one place by one person instead.

There’s still the problem of when you launch a new shell that doesn’t inherit the variables (i.e. a remote login), so there’s no way for it to be aware of the existing agents. To fix this, you’d need to write the agent information to a file. The shell init script checks this file for an existing agent before spawning one. This is even more complicated, more error-prone, and subject to race-conditions. Why make every use go through this process?!

Fortunately someone’s done all this work so you don’t have to! There’s an awesome little tool called Keychain which can be used to launch the agents for you. It stores the agent information in a file so that you only ever launch one instance of the agent, and the agents will be shared across every shell. It does have an --inherit option — the default behavior, so you don’t even need to ask nicely. Instead of running the *-agents directly, you just put this in your .bashrc,

eval $(keychain --eval --quiet)

So simple and it just works! I was so happy when I found this. This is the magic word that makes using agents a breeze, so I can’t recommend it enough.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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