Blowpipe is a toy crypto tool that creates a
Blowfish-encrypted pipe. It doesn’t open any files and instead
encrypts and decrypts from standard input to standard output. This
pipe can encrypt individual files or even encrypt a network
connection (à la netcat).
Most importantly, since Blowpipe is intended to be used as a pipe
(duh), it will never output decrypted plaintext that hasn’t been
authenticated. That is, it will detect tampering of the encrypted
stream and truncate its output, reporting an error, without producing
the manipulated data. Some very similar tools that aren’t considered
toys lack this important feature, such as aespipe.
Blowpipe came about because I wanted to study Blowfish, a 64-bit block
cipher designed by Bruce Schneier in 1993. It’s played an important
role in the history of cryptography and has withstood cryptanalysis
for 24 years. Its major weakness is its small block size, leaving it
vulnerable to birthday attacks regardless of any other property of the
cipher. Even in 1993 the 64-bit block size was a bit on the small
side, but Blowfish was intended as a drop-in replacement for the Data
Encryption Standard (DES) and the International Data Encryption
Algorithm (IDEA), other 64-bit block ciphers.
The main reason I’m calling this program a toy is that, outside of
legacy interfaces, it’s simply not appropriate to deploy a 64-bit
block cipher in 2017. Blowpipe shouldn’t be used to encrypt
more than a few tens of GBs of data at a time. Otherwise I’m fairly
confident in both my message construction and my implementation. One
detail is a little uncertain, and I’ll discuss it later when
describing message format.
A tool that I am confident about is Enchive, though since
it’s intended for file encryption, it’s not appropriate for use
as a pipe. It doesn’t authenticate until after it has produced most of
its output. Enchive does try its best to delete files containing
unauthenticated output when authentication fails, but this doesn’t
prevent you from consuming this output before it can be deleted,
particularly if you pipe the output into another program.
As you might expect, there are two modes of operation: encryption (-E
and decryption (-D
). The simplest usage is encrypting and decrypting a
$ blowpipe -E < data.gz > data.gz.enc
$ blowpipe -D < data.gz.enc | gunzip > data.txt
In both cases you will be prompted for a passphrase which can be up to
72 bytes in length. The only verification for the key is the first
Message Authentication Code (MAC) in the datastream, so Blowpipe
cannot tell the difference between damaged ciphertext and an incorrect
In a script it would be smart to check Blowpipe’s exit code after
decrypting. The output will be truncated should authentication fail
somewhere in the middle. Since Blowpipe isn’t aware of files, it can’t
clean up for you.
Another use case is securely transmitting files over a network with
netcat. In this example I’ll use a pre-shared key file, keyfile
Rather than prompt for a key, Blowpipe will use the raw bytes of a given
file. Here’s how I would create a key file:
$ head -c 32 /dev/urandom > keyfile
First the receiver listens on a socket (bind(2)
$ nc -lp 2000 | blowpipe -D -k keyfile >
Then the sender connects (connect(2)
) and pipes Blowpipe through:
$ blowpipe -E -k keyfile < | nc -N hostname 2000
If all went well, Blowpipe will exit with 0 on the receiver side.
Blowpipe doesn’t buffer its output (but see -w
). It performs one
, encrypts whatever it got, prepends a MAC, and calls
on the result. This means it can comfortably transmit live
sensitive data across the network:
$ nc -lp 2000 | blowpipe -D
# dmesg -w | blowpipe -E | nc -N hostname 2000
Kernel messages will appear on the other end as they’re produced by
. Though keep in mind that the size of each line will be known to
eavesdroppers. Blowpipe doesn’t pad it with noise or otherwise try to
disguise the length. Those lengths may leak useful information.
This whole project started when I wanted to play with Blowfish
as a small drop-in library. I wasn’t satisfied with the
selection, so I figured it would be a good exercise to write my
own. Besides, the specification is both an enjoyable and easy
read (and recommended). It justifies the need for a new cipher and
explains the various design decisions.
I coded from the specification, including writing a script
to generate the subkey initialization tables. Subkeys are initialized
to the binary representation of pi (the first ~10,000 decimal digits).
After a couple hours of work I hooked up the official test vectors to
see how I did, and all the tests passed on the first run. This wasn’t
reasonable, so I spent awhile longer figuring out how I screwed up my
tests. Turns out I absolutely nailed it on my first shot. It’s a
really great sign for Blowfish that it’s so easy to implement
Blowfish’s key schedule produces five subkeys requiring 4,168 bytes of
storage. The key schedule is unusually complex: Subkeys are repeatedly
encrypted with themselves as they are being computed. This complexity
inspired the bcrypt password hashing scheme, which
essentially works by iterating the key schedule many times in a loop,
then encrypting a constant 24-byte string. My bcrypt implementation
wasn’t nearly as successful on my first attempt, and it took hours of
debugging in order to match OpenBSD’s outputs.
The encryption and decryption algorithms are nearly identical, as is
typical for, and a feature of, Feistel ciphers. There are no branches
(preventing some side-channel attacks), and the only operations are
32-bit XOR and 32-bit addition. This makes it ideal for implementation
on 32-bit computers.
One tricky point is that encryption and decryption operate on a pair
of 32-bit integers (another giveaway that it’s a Feistel cipher). To
put the cipher to practical use, these integers have to be serialized
into a byte stream. The specification doesn’t choose a byte
order, even for mixing the key into the subkeys. The official test
vectors are also 32-bit integers, not byte arrays. An implementer
could choose little endian, big endian, or even something else.
However, there’s one place in which this decision is formally made:
the official test vectors mix the key into the first subkey in big
endian byte order. By luck I happened to choose big endian as well,
which is why my tests passed on the first try. OpenBSD’s version of
bcrypt also uses big endian for all integer encoding steps, further
cementing big endian as the standard way to encode Blowfish integers.
Blowfish library
The Blowpipe repository contains a ready-to-use, public domain Blowfish
library written in strictly conforming C99. The interface is just three
void blowfish_init(struct blowfish *, const void *key, int len);
void blowfish_encrypt(struct blowfish *, uint32_t *, uint32_t *);
void blowfish_decrypt(struct blowfish *, uint32_t *, uint32_t *);
Technically the key can be up to 72 bytes long, but the last 16 bytes
have an incomplete effect on the subkeys, so only the first 56 bytes
should matter. Since bcrypt runs the key schedule multiple times, all
72 bytes have full effect.
The library also includes a bcrypt implementation, though it will only
produce the raw password hash, not the base-64 encoded form. The main
reason for including bcrypt is to support Blowpipe.
The main goal of Blowpipe was to build a robust, authenticated
encryption tool using only Blowfish as a cryptographic primitive.
It uses bcrypt with a moderately-high cost as a key derivation
function (KDF). Not terrible, but this is not a memory hard KDF,
which is important for protecting against cheap hardware brute force
Encryption is Blowfish in “counter” CTR mode. A 64-bit
counter is incremented and encrypted, producing a keystream. The
plaintext is XORed with this keystream like a stream cipher. This
allows the last block to be truncated when output and eliminates
some padding issues. Since CRT mode is trivially malleable, the MAC
becomes even more important. In CTR mode, blowfish_decrypt()
never called. In fact, Blowpipe never uses it.
The authentication scheme is Blowfish-CBC-MAC with a unique key and
encrypt-then-authenticate (something I harmlessly got wrong
with Enchive). It essentially encrypts the ciphertext again with a
different key, but in Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC), but
it only saves the final block. The final block is prepended to the
ciphertext as the MAC. On decryption the same block is computed
again to ensure that it matches. Only someone who knows the MAC key
can compute it.
Of all three Blowfish uses, I’m least confident about authentication.
CBC-MAC is tricky to get right, though I am following the
rules: fixed length messages using a different key than encryption.
Wait a minute. Blowpipe is pipe-oriented and can output data without
buffering the entire pipe. How can there be fixed-length messages?
The pipe datastream is broken into 64kB chunks. Each chunk is
authenticated with its own MAC. Both the MAC and chunk length are
written in the chunk header, and the length is authenticated by the
MAC. Furthermore, just like the keystream, the MAC is continued from
previous chunk, preventing chunks from being reordered. Blowpipe can
output the content of a chunk and discard it once it’s been
authenticated. If any chunk fails to authenticate, it aborts.

This also leads to another useful trick: The pipe is terminated with a
zero length chunk, preventing an attacker from appending to the
datastream. Everything after the zero-length chunk is discarded. Since
the length is authenticated by the MAC, the attacker also cannot
truncate the pipe since that would require knowledge of the MAC key.
The pipe itself has a 17 byte header: a 16 byte random bcrypt salt and 1
byte for the bcrypt cost. The salt is like an initialization vector (IV)
that allows keys to be safely reused in different Blowpipe instances.
The cost byte is the only distinguishing byte in the stream. Since even
the chunk lengths are encrypted, everything else in the datastream
should be indistinguishable from random data.
Blowpipe runs on POSIX systems and Windows (Mingw-w64 and MSVC). I
initially wrote it for POSIX (on Linux) of course, but I took an unusual
approach when it came time to port it to Windows. Normally I’d invent a
generic OS interface that makes the appropriate host system
calls. This time I kept the POSIX interface (read(2)
, write(2)
, etc.) and implemented the tiny subset of POSIX that I needed
in terms of Win32. That implementation can be found under w32-compat/
I even dropped in a copy of my own getopt()
One really cool feature of this technique is that, on Windows, Blowpipe
will still “open” /dev/urandom
. It’s intercepted by my own open(2)
which in response to that filename actually calls
and pretends like it’s a file. It’s all
hidden behind the file descriptor. That’s the unix way.
I’m considering giving Enchive the same treatment since it would simply
and reduce much of the interface code. In fact, this project has taught
me a number of ways that Enchive could be improved. That’s the value of
writing “toys” such as Blowpipe.