More DLL fun with w64devkit: Go, assembly, and Python
My previous article explained how to work with dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) using w64devkit. These techniques also apply to other circumstances, including with languages and ecosystems outside of C and C++. In particular, w64devkit is a great complement to Go and reliably fullfills all the needs of cgo — Go’s C interop — and can even bootstrap Go itself. As before, this article is in large part an exercise in capturing practical information I’ve picked up over time.
Go: bootstrap and cgo
The primary Go implementation, confusingly named “gc”, is an incredible piece of software engineering. This is apparent when building the Go toolchain itself, a process that is fast, reliable, easy, and simple. It was originally written in C, but was re-written in Go starting with Go 1.5. The C compiler in w64devkit can build the original C implementation which then can be used to bootstrap any more recent version. It’s so easy that I personally never use official binary releases and always bootstrap from source.
You will need the Go 1.4 source, go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz. This “bootstrap” tarball is the last Go 1.4 release plus a few additional bugfixes. You will also need the source of the actual version of Go you want to use, such as Go 1.16.5 (latest version as of this writing).
Start by building Go 1.4 using w64devkit. On Windows, Go is built using a
batch script and no special build system is needed. Since it shouldn’t be
invoked with the BusyBox ash shell, I use cmd.exe
$ tar xf go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz
$ mv go/ bootstrap
$ (cd bootstrap/src/ && cmd /c make)
In about 30 seconds you’ll have a fully-working Go 1.4 toolchain. Next use it to build the desired toolchain. You can move this new toolchain after it’s built if necessary.
$ export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="$PWD/bootstrap"
$ tar xf go1.16.5.src.tar.gz
$ (cd go/src/ && cmd /c make)
At this point you can delete the bootstrap toolchain. You probably also want to put Go on your PATH.
$ rm -rf bootstrap/
$ printf 'PATH="$PATH;%s/go/bin"\n' "$PWD" >>~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
Not only is Go now available, so is the full power of cgo. (Including its costs if used.)
Vim suggestions
Since w64devkit is oriented so much around Vim, here’s my personal Vim
configuration for Go. I don’t need or want fancy plugins, just access to
and a couple of corrections to Vim’s built-in Go support ([[
and ]]
navigation). The included ctags
understands Go, so tags
navigation works the same as it does with C. \i
saves the current
buffer, runs goimports
, and populates the quickfix list with any errors.
Similarly :make
invokes go build
and, as expected, populates the
quickfix list.
autocmd FileType go setlocal makeprg=go\ build
autocmd FileType go map <silent> <buffer> <leader>i
\ :update \|
\ :cexpr system("goimports -w " . expand("%")) \|
\ :silent edit<cr>
autocmd FileType go map <buffer> [[
\ ?^\(func\\|var\\|type\\|import\\|package\)\><cr>
autocmd FileType go map <buffer> ]]
\ /^\(func\\|var\\|type\\|import\\|package\)\><cr>
Go only comes with gofmt
but goimports
is just one command away, so
there’s little excuse not to have it:
$ go install
Thanks to GOPROXY, all Go dependencies are accessible without (or before) installing Git, so this tool installation works with nothing more than w64devkit and a bootstrapped Go toolchain.
cgo DLLs
The intricacies of cgo are beyond the scope of this article, but the gist
is that a Go source file contains C source in a comment followed by
import "C"
. The imported C
object provides access to C types and
functions. Go functions marked with an //export
comment, as well as the
commented C code, are accessible to C. The latter means we can use Go to
implement a C interface in a DLL, and the caller will have no idea they’re
actually talking to Go.
To illustrate, here’s an little C interface. To keep it simple, I’ve specifically sidestepped some more complicated issues, particularly involving memory management.
// Which DLL am I running?
int version(void);
// Generate 64 bits from a CSPRNG.
unsigned long long rand64(void);
// Compute the Euclidean norm.
float dist(float x, float y);
Here’s a C implementation which I’m calling “version 1”.
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntsecapi.h>
return 1;
unsigned long long
unsigned long long x;
RtlGenRandom(&x, sizeof(x));
return x;
dist(float x, float y)
return sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
As discussed in the previous article, each function is exported using
so that they’re available for import. As before:
$ cc -shared -Os -s -o hello1.dll hello1.c
Side note: This could be trivially converted into a C++ implementation
just by adding extern "C"
to each declaration. It disables C++ features
like name mangling, and follows the C ABI so that the C++ functions appear
as C functions. Compiling the C++ DLL is exactly the same.
Suppose we wanted to implement this in Go instead of C. We already have all the tools needed to do so. Here’s a Go implementation, “version 2”:
package main
import "C"
import (
//export version
func version() {
return 2
//export rand64
func rand64() C.ulonglong {
var buf [8]byte
r := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:])
return C.ulonglong(r)
//export dist
func dist(x, y C.float) C.float {
return C.float(math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y)))
func main() {
Note the use of C types for all arguments and return values. The main
function is required since this is the main package, but it will never be
called. The DLL is built like so:
$ go build -buildmode=c-shared -o hello2.dll hello2.go
Without the -o
option, the DLL will lack an extension. This works fine
since it’s mostly only convention on Windows, but it may be confusing
without it.
What if we need an import library? This will be required when linking with
the MSVC toolchain. In the previous article we asked Binutils to generate
one using --out-implib
. For Go we have to handle this ourselves via
and dlltool
$ gendef hello2.dll
$ dlltool -l hello2.lib -d hello2.def
The only way anyone upgrading would know version 2 was implemented in Go is that the DLL is a lot bigger (a few MB vs. a few kB) since it now contains an entire Go runtime.
NASM assembly DLL
We could also go the other direction and implement the DLL using plain assembly. It won’t even require linking against a C runtime.
w64devkit includes two assemblers: GAS (Binutils) which is used by GCC, and NASM which has friendlier syntax. I prefer the latter whenever possible — exactly why I included NASM in the distribution. So here’s how I implemented “version 3” in NASM assembly.
bits 64
section .text
global DllMainCRTStartup
export DllMainCRTStartup
mov eax, 1
global version
export version
mov eax, 3
global rand64
export rand64
rdrand rax
global dist
export dist
mulss xmm0, xmm0
mulss xmm1, xmm1
addss xmm0, xmm1
sqrtss xmm0, xmm0
The global
directive is common in NASM assembly and causes the named
symbol to have the external linkage needed when linking the DLL. The
directive is Windows-specific and is equivalent to dllexport
Every DLL must have an entrypoint, usually named DllMainCRTStartup
. The
return value indicates if the DLL successfully loaded. So far this has
been handled automatically by the C implementation, but at this low level
we must define it explicitly.
Here’s how to assemble and link the DLL:
$ nasm -fwin64 -o hello3.o hello3.s
$ ld -shared -s -o hello3.dll hello3.o
Call the DLLs from Python
Python has a nice, built-in C interop, ctypes
, that allows Python to
call arbitrary C functions in shared libraries, including DLLs, without
writing C to glue it together. To tie this all off, here’s a Python
program that loads all of the DLLs above and invokes each of the
import ctypes
def load(version):
hello = ctypes.CDLL(f"./hello{version}.dll")
hello.version.restype = ctypes.c_int
hello.version.argtypes = ()
hello.dist.restype = ctypes.c_float
hello.dist.argtypes = (ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_float)
hello.rand64.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong
hello.rand64.argtypes = ()
return hello
for hello in load(1), load(2), load(3):
print("version", hello.version())
print("rand ", f"{hello.rand64():016x}")
print("dist ", hello.dist(3, 4))
After loading the DLL with CDLL
the program defines each function
prototype so that Python knows how to call it. Unfortunately it’s not
possible to build Python with w64devkit, so you’ll also need to install
the standard CPython distribution in order to run it. Here’s the output:
$ python
version 1
rand b011ea9bdbde4bdf
dist 5.0
version 2
rand f7c86ff06ae3d1a2
dist 5.0
version 3
rand 2a35a05b0482c898
dist 5.0
That output is the result of four different languages interfacing in one process: C, Go, x86-64 assembly, and Python. Pretty neat if you ask me!
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