How to build a WaitGroup from a 32-bit integer
Go has a nifty synchronization utility called a WaitGroup, on which one or more goroutines can wait for concurrent task completion. In other languages, the usual task completion convention is joining threads doing the work. In Go, goroutines aren’t values and lack handles, so a WaitGroup replaces joins. Building a WaitGroup using typical, portable primitives is a messy affair involving constructors and destructors, managing lifetimes. However, on at least Linux and Windows, we can build a WaitGroup out of a zero-initialized integer, much like my 32-bit queue and 32-bit barrier.
In case you’re not familiar with it, a typical WaitGroup use case in Go:
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, task := range tasks {
go func(t Task) {
// ... do task ...
I zero-initialize the WaitGroup, the main goroutine increments the counter before starting each task goroutine, each goroutine decrements the counter when done, and the main goroutine waits until the counter reaches zero. My goal is to build the same mechanism in C:
void workfunc(task t, int *wg)
// ... do task ...
int main(void)
// ...
int wg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
waitgroup_add(&wg, 1);
go(workfunc, tasks[i], &wg);
// ...
When it’s done, the WaitGroup is back to zero, and no cleanup is required.
I’m going to take it a little further than that: Since its meaning and
contents are explicit, you may initialize a WaitGroup to any non-negative
task count! In other words, waitgroup_add
is optional if the total
number of tasks is known up front.
int wg = ntasks;
for (int i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) {
go(workfunc, tasks[i], &wg);
A sneak peek at the full source: waitgroup.c
The four elements (of synchronization)
To build this WaitGroup, we’re going to need four primitives from the host
platform, each operating on an int
. The first two are atomic operations,
and the second two interact with the system scheduler. To port the
WaitGroup to a platform you need only implement these four functions,
typically as one-liners.
static int load(int *); // atomic load
static int addfetch(int *, int); // atomic add-then-fetch
static void wait(int *, int); // wait on change at address
static void wake(int *); // wake all waiters by address
The first two should be self-explanatory. The wait
function waits for
the pointed-at integer to change its value, and the second argument is its
expected current value. The scheduler will double-check the integer before
putting the thread to sleep in case it changes at the last moment — in
other words, an atomic check-then-maybe-sleep. The wake
function is the
other half. After changing the integer, a thread uses it to wake all
threads waiting for the pointed-at integer to change. Together, this
mechanism is known as a futex.
I’m going to simplify the WaitGroup semantics a bit in order to make my
implementation even simpler. Go’s WaitGroup allows adding negatives, and
the Add
method essentially does double-duty. My version forbids adding
negatives. That means the “add” operation is just an atomic increment:
void waitgroup_add(int *wg, int delta)
addfetch(wg, delta);
Since it cannot bring the counter to zero, there’s nothing else to do. The “done” operation can decrement to zero:
void waitgroup_done(int *wg)
if (!addfetch(wg, -1)) {
If the atomic decrement brought the count to zero, we finished the last task, so we need to wake the waiters. We don’t know if anyone is actually waiting, but that’s fine. Some futex use cases will avoid making the relatively expensive system call if nobody’s waiting — i.e. don’t waste time on a system call for each unlock of an uncontended mutex — but in the typical WaitGroup case we expect a waiter when the count finally goes to zero. That’s the common case.
The most complicated of the three is waiting:
void waitgroup_wait(int *wg)
for (;;) {
int c = load(wg);
if (!c) {
wait(wg, c);
First check if the count is already zero and return if it is. Otherwise use the futex to wait for it to change. Unfortunately that’s not exactly the semantics we want, which would be to wait for a certain target. This doesn’t break the wait, but it’s a potential source of inefficiency. If a thread finishes a task between our load and wait, we don’t go to sleep, and instead try again. However, in practice, I ran thousands of threads through this thing concurrently and I couldn’t observe such a “miss.” As far as I can tell, it’s so rare it doesn’t matter.
If this was a concern, the WaitGroup could instead be a pair of integers: the counter and a “latch” that is either 0 or 1. Waiters wait on the latch, and the latch is modified (atomically) when the counter transitions to or from zero. That gives waiters a stable value on which to wait, proxying the counter. However, since this doesn’t seem to matter in practice, I prefer the elegance and simplicity of the single-integer WaitGroup.
Four elements: Linux
With the WaitGroup done at a high level, we now need the per-platform parts. Both GCC and Clang support GNU-style atomics, so I’ll just assume these are available on Linux without worrying about the compiler. The first two functions wrap these built-ins:
static int load(int *p)
return __atomic_load_n(p, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static int addfetch(int *p, int addend)
return __atomic_add_fetch(p, addend, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
For wait
and wake
we need the futex(2)
system call. In an
attempt to discourage its direct use, glibc doesn’t wrap this system call
in a function, so we must make the system call ourselves.
static void wait(int *p, int current)
syscall(SYS_futex, p, FUTEX_WAIT, current, 0, 0, 0);
static void wake(int *p)
syscall(SYS_futex, p, FUTEX_WAKE, INT_MAX, 0, 0, 0);
means “wake as many as possible.” The other common value is
1 for waking a single waiter. Also, these system calls can’t meaningfully
fail, so there’s no need to check the return value. If wait
wakes up
early (e.g. EINTR
), it’s going to check the counter again anyway. In
fact, if your kernel is more than 20 years old, predating futexes, and
returns ENOSYS
(“Function not implemented”), it will still work
correctly, though it will be incredibly inefficient.
Four elements: Windows
Windows didn’t support futexes until Windows 8 in 2012, and were still supporting Windows without it into 2020, so they’re still relatively “new” for this platform. Nonetheless, they’re now mature enough that we can count on them being available.
I’d like to support both GCC-ish (via Mingw-w64) and MSVC-ish
compilers. Mingw-w64 provides a compatible intrin.h
, so I can stick to
MSVC-style atomics and cover both at once. On the other hand, MSVC doesn’t
define atomics for int
(or even int32_t
), strictly long
, so I have
to sneak in a little cast. (Recall: sizeof(long) == sizeof(int)
on every
version of Windows supporting futexes.) The other option is to typedef
the WaitGroup so that it’s int
on Linux (for the futex) and long
Windows (for atomics).
static int load(int *p)
return _InterlockedOr((long *)p, 0);
static int addfetch(int *p, int addend)
return addend + _InterlockedExchangeAdd((long *)p, addend);
The official, sanctioned futex functions are WaitOnAddress and
WakeByAddressAll. They used to be in kernel32.dll
, but as of
this writing they live in API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0.dll
, linked via
. Gross. Since I can’t stomach this, I instead call the
low-level RTL functions where it’s actually implemented: RtlWaitOnAddress
and RtlWakeAddressAll. These live in the nice neighborhood of ntdll.dll
They’re undocumented as far as I can tell, but thankfully Wine comes to
the rescue, providing both documentation and several different
implementations. Reading through it is educational, and hints at ways to
construct futexes on systems lacking them.
These functions aren’t declared in any headers, so I have to do it myself.
On the plus side, so far I haven’t paid the substantial compile-time costs
of including windows.h
, and so I can continue avoiding it. These
functions are listed in the ntdll.dll
import library, so I don’t need
to invent the import library entries.
long __stdcall RtlWaitOnAddress(void *, void *, size_t, void *);
long __stdcall RtlWakeAddressAll(void *);
Rather conveniently, the semantics perfectly line up with Linux futexes!
static void wait(int *p, int current)
RtlWaitOnAddress(p, ¤t, sizeof(*p), 0);
static void wake(int *p)
Like with Linux, there’s no meaningful failure, so the return values don’t matter.
That’s the whole implementation. Considering just a single platform, a flexible, lightweight, and easy-to-use synchronization facility in ~50 lines of relatively simple code is a pretty good deal if you ask me!
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