Hand-written Windows API prototypes: fast, flexible, and tedious

I love fast builds, and for years I’ve been bothered by the build penalty for translation units including windows.h. This header has an enormous number of definitions and declarations and so, for C programs, it tends to dominate the build time of those translation units. Most programs, especially systems software, only needs a tiny portion of it. For example, when compiling u-config with GCC, two thirds of the debug build was spent processing windows.h just for 4 types, 16 definitions, and 16 prototypes.

To give a sense of the numbers, here’s empty.c, which does nothing but include windows.h.

#include <windows.h>

With the current Mingw-w64 headers, that’s ~82kLOC (non-blank):

$ gcc -E empty.c | grep -vc '^$'

With w64devkit this takes my system ~450ms to compile with GCC:

$ time gcc -c empty.c
real    0m 0.45s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s

Compiling an actually empty source file takes ~10ms, so it really is spending practically all that time processing headers. MSVC is a faster compiler, and this extends to processing an even larger windows.h that crosses over 100kLOC (VS2022). It clocks in at 120ms on the same system:

$ cl /nologo /E empty.c | grep -vc '^$'
$ time cl /nologo /c empty.c
real    0m 0.12s
user    0m 0.09s
sys     0m 0.01s

That’s just low enough to be tolerable, but I’d like the situation with GCC to be better. Defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN reduces the number of included headers, which has a significant effect:

$ gcc -E -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN empty.c | grep -vc '^$'
$ time gcc -c -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN empty.c
real    0m 0.30s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s

$ cl /nologo /E /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN empty.c | grep -vc '^$'
$ time cl /nologo /c /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN empty.c
real    0m 0.07s
user    0m 0.01s
sys     0m 0.01s

Precompiled headers

The official solution is precompiled headers. Put all the system header includes, or similar, into a dedicated header, then compile that header into a special format. For example, headers.h:

#include <windows.h>

Then main.c includes windows.h through this header:

#include "headers.h"

int mainCRTStartup(void)
    return 0;

If I ask GCC to compile headers.h:

$ gcc headers.h

It produces headers.h.gch. When a source includes headers.h, GCC first searches for an appropriate .gch. Not only must the name match, but so must all the definitions at the moment of inclusion: headers.h should always be the first included header, otherwise it may not work. Now when I compile main.c:

$ time gcc -c main.c
real    0m 0.04s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s

Much better! MSVC has a conventional name for this header recognizable to every Visual Studio user: stdafx.h. It works a bit differently, and I’ve never used it myself, but I trust it has similar results.

Precompiled headers requires some extra steps that vary by toolchain. Can we do better? That depends on your definition of “better!”

Artisan, handcrafted prototypes

As mentioned, systems software tends to need only a few declarations: open, read, write, stat, etc. What if I wrote these out manually? A bit tedious, but it doesn’t require special precompiled header handling. It also creates some new possibilities. To illustrate, a CRT-free “hello world” program:

#include <windows.h>

int mainCRTStartup(void)
    HANDLE stdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    char message[] = "Hello, world!\n";
    DWORD len;
    return !WriteFile(stdout, message, sizeof(message)-1, &len, 0);

This takes my system half a second to compile — quite long to produce just 26 assembly instructions:

$ time cc -nostartfiles -o hello.exe hello.c
real    0m 0.50s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s
$ ./hello.exe
Hello, world!

The program requires prototypes only for GetStdHandle and WriteFile, a definition for STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, and some typedefs. Starting with the easy stuff, the definition and types look like this:


typedef int BOOL;
typedef void *HANDLE;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;

By the way, here’s a cheat code for quickly finding preprocessor definitions, faster than looking them up elsewhere:

$ echo '#include <windows.h>' | gcc -E -dM - | grep 'STD_\w*_HANDLE'

Did you catch the pattern? It’s -10 - fd, where fd is the conventional unix file descriptor number: a kind of mnemonic.

Prototypes are a little trickier, especially if you care about 32-bit. The Windows API uses the “stdcall” calling convention, which is distinct from the “cdecl” calling convention on x86, though the same on x64. Of course, you must already be aware of this merely using the API, as your own callbacks must usually be stdcall themselves. Further, API functions are DLL imports and should be declared as such. Putting it together, here’s GetStdHandle:

HANDLE __stdcall GetStdHandle(DWORD);

This works with both Mingw-w64 and MSVC. MSVC requires __stdcall between the return type and function name, so don’t get clever about it. If you only care about GCC then you can declare both at once using attributes:


I like to hide all this behind a macro, with a “table” of all my imports listed just below:

#define W32(r) __declspec(dllimport) r __stdcall
W32(HANDLE) GetStdHandle(DWORD);
W32(BOOL)   WriteFile(HANDLE, const void *, DWORD, DWORD *, void *);

In WriteFile you may have noticed I’m taking shortcuts. The “official” definition uses an ugly pointer typedef, LPCVOID, instead of pointer syntax, but I skipped that type definition. I also replaced the last argument, an OVERLAPPED pointer, with a generic pointer. I only need to pass null. I can keep sanding it down to something more ergonomic:

W32(int)    WriteFile(void *, void *, int, int *, void *);

That’s how I typically write these prototypes. I dropped the const because it doesn’t help me. I used signed sizes because I like them better and it’s what I’m usually holding at the call site. But doesn’t changing the signedness potentially break compatibility? It makes no difference to any practical ABI: It’s passed the same way. In general, signedness is a matter for operators, and only some of them — mainly comparisons (<, >, etc.) and division. It’s a similar story for pointers starting with the 32-bit era, so I can choose whatever pointer types are convenient.

In general, I can do anything I want so long as I know my compiler will produce an appropriate function call. These are not standard functions, like printf or memcpy, which are implemented in part by the compiler itself, but foreign functions. It’s no different than teaching an FFI how to make a call. This is also, in essence, how OpenGL and Vulkan work, with applications defining the API for themselves.

Considering all this, my new hello world:

#define W32(r) __declspec(dllimport) r __stdcall
W32(void *) GetStdHandle(int);
W32(int)    WriteFile(void *, void *, int, int *, void *);

int mainCRTStartup(void)
    void *stdout = GetStdHandle(-10 - 1);
    char message[] = "Hello, world!\n";
    int len;
    return !WriteFile(stdout, message, sizeof(message)-1, &len, 0);

You know, there’s a kind of beauty to a program that requires no external definitions. It builds quickly and produces a binary bit-for-bit identical to the original:

$ time cc -nostartfiles -o hello.exe main.c
real    0m 0.04s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s

$ time cl /nologo hello.c /link /subsystem:console kernel32.lib
real    0m 0.03s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.00s

I’ve also been using this to patch over API rough edges. For example, WSARecvFrom takes WSAOVERLAPPED, but GetQueuedCompletionStatus takes OVERLAPPED. These types are explicitly compatible, and only defined separately for annoying technical reasons. I must use the same overlapped object with both APIs at once, meaning I would normally need ugly pointer casts on my Winsock calls, or vice versa with I/O completion ports. But because I’m writing all these definitions myself, I can define a common overlapped structure for both!

Perhaps you’re worried that this would be too fragile. Well, as a legacy software aficionado, I enjoy building and running my programs on old platforms. So far these programs still work properly going back 30 years to Windows NT 3.5 and Visual C++ 4.2. When I do hit a snag, it’s always been a bug (now long fixed) in the old operating system, not in my programs or these prototypes. So, in effect, this technique has worked well for the past 30 years!

Writing out these definitions is a bit of a chore, but after paying that price I’ve been quite happy with the results. I will likely continue doing it in the future, at least for non-graphical applications.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)