How to link identical function names from different DLLs

For the typical DLL function call you declare the function prototype (via header file), you inform the link editor (ld, link) that the DLL exports a symbol with that name (import library), it matches the declared name with this export, and it becomes an import in your program’s import table. What happens when two different DLLs export the same symbol? The link editor will pick the first found. But what if you want to use both exports? If they have the same name, how could program or link editor distinguish them? In this article I’ll demonstrate a technique to resolve this by creating a program which links with and directly uses two different C runtimes (CRTs) simultaneously.

In PE executable images, an import isn’t just a symbol, but a tuple of DLL name and symbol. For human display, a tuple is typically formatted with an exclamation point delimiter, as in msvcrt.dll!malloc, though sometimes without the .dll suffix. You’ve likely seen this in stack traces. Because it’s a tuple and not just a symbol, it’s possible to refer to, and import, the same symbol from different DLLs. Contrast that with ELF, which has a list of shared objects, and a separate list of symbols, with the dynamic linker pairing them up at load time. That permits cool tricks like LD_PRELOAD, but for the same reason loading is less predictable.

Windows comes with several CRTs, and various libraries and applications use one or another (or none) depending on how they were built. As C standard library implementations they export mostly the same symbols, malloc, printf, etc. With imports as tuples, it’s not so unusual for an application to load multiple CRTs at once. Typically coexistence is transitive. That is, a module does not directly access both CRTs but depends on modules that use different CRTs. One module calls, say, msvcrt.dll!malloc, and another module calls ucrtbase.dll!malloc. With DLL-qualified symbols, this is sound so long as modules don’t cross the streams, e.g. an allocation in one module must not be freed in the other. Libraries in this ecosystem must avoid exposing their CRT through their interfaces, such as expecting the library’s caller to free() objects: The caller might not have access to the right free!

Contrast again with the unix ecosystem generally, where a process can only load one libc and everyone is expected to share. Libraries commonly expect callers to free() their objects (e.g. libreadline, xcb), blending their interface with libc.

Suppose you’re in such a situation where, due to unix-oriented libraries, your application must use functions from two different CRTs at once. One might have been compiled with Mingw-w64 and linked with MSVCRT, and the other compiled with MSVC and linked with UCRT. We need to call malloc and free in each, but they have the same name. What a pickle!

There’s an obvious, and probably most common, solution: run-time dynamic linking. Use load-time linking on one CRT, and LoadLibrary on the other CRT with GetProcAddress to obtain function pointers. However, it’s possible to do this entirely with load-time linking!

A malloc by any other name would allocate as well

Think about it a moment and you might wonder: If the names are the same, how can I pick which I’m calling? The tuple representation won’t work because ! cannot appear in an identifier, which is, after all, why it was chosen. The trick is that we’re going to rename one of them! To demonstrate, I’ll use my Windows development kit, w64devkit, a Mingw-w64 distribution that links MSVCRT. I’m going to use UCRT as the second CRT to access ucrtbase.dll!malloc.

I can choose whatever valid identifier I’d like, so I’m going to pick ucrt_malloc. This will require a declaration:

__declspec(dllimport) void *ucrt_malloc(size_t);

If I stop here and try to use it, of course it won’t work:

ld: undefined reference to `__imp_ucrt_malloc'

The linker hasn’t yet been informed of the change in management. For that we’ll need an import library. I’ll define one using a .def file, which I’ll name ucrtbase.def:

LIBRARY ucrtbase.dll
ucrt_malloc == malloc

The last line says that this library has the symbol ucrt_malloc, but that it should be imported as malloc. This line is the lynchpin to the whole scheme. Note: The double equals is important, as a single equals sign means something different. Next, use dlltool to build the import library:

$ dlltool -d ucrtbase.def -l ucrtbase.lib

The equivalent MSVC tool is lib, but as far as I know it cannot quite do this sort of renaming. However, MSVC link will work just fine with this dlltool-created import library. The name ucrtbase.lib, while obvious, is irrelevant. It’s that LIBRARY line that ties it to the DLL. My test source file looks like this:

#include <stdlib.h>

__declspec(dllimport) void *ucrt_malloc(size_t);

int main(void)
    void *msvcrt[] = {malloc(1), malloc(1), malloc(1)};
    void *ucrt[] = {ucrt_malloc(1), ucrt_malloc(1), ucrt_malloc(1)};
    return 0;

It compiles successfully:

$ cc -g3 -o main.exe main.c ucrtbase.lib

I can see the two malloc imports with objdump:

$ objdump -p main.exe
DLL Name: msvcrt.dll
844a	 1021  malloc
DLL Name: ucrtbase.dll
847e	    1  malloc

It loads and runs successfully, too:

$ gdb main.exe
Reading symbols from main.exe...
(gdb) break 9
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1400013cd: file main.c, line 9.
(gdb) run
Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 1, main () at main.c:9
9           return 0;
(gdb) p msvcrt
$1 = {0xd06a30, 0xd06a70, 0xd06ab0}
(gdb) p ucrt
$2 = {0x6e9490, 0x6eb7c0, 0x6eb800}

The pointer addresses confirm that these are two, distinct allocators. Perhaps you’re wondering what happens if I cross the streams?

int main(void)

The MSVCRT allocator justifiably panics over the bad pointer:

$ cc -g3 -o chaos.exe chaos.c ucrtbase.lib
$ gdb -ex run chaos.exe
Starting program: chaos.exe
warning: HEAP[chaos.exe]:
warning: Invalid address specified to RtlFreeHeap
Thread 1 received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x00007ffc42c369af in ntdll!RtlRegisterSecureMemoryCacheCallback ()

While you’re probably not supposed to meddle with ucrtbase.dll like this, the general principle of export renames is reasonable. I don’t expect I’ll ever need to do it, but I like that I have the option.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
~skeeto/ (view)