A simple, arena-backed, generic dynamic array for C

Previously I presented an arena-friendly hash map applicable to any programming language where one might use arena allocation. In this third article I present a generic, arena-backed dynamic array. The details are specific to C, as the most appropriate mechanism depends on the language (e.g. templates, generics). Just as in the previous two articles, the goal is to demonstrate an idea so simple that a full implementation fits on one terminal pager screen — a concept rather than a library.

Unlike a hash map or linked list, a dynamic array — a data buffer with a size that varies during run time — is more difficult to square with arena allocation. They’re contiguous by definition, and we cannot resize objects in the middle of an arena, i.e. realloc. So while convenient, they come with trade-offs. At least until they stop growing, dynamic arrays are more appropriate for shorter-lived, temporary contexts, where you would use a scratch arena. On average they consume about twice the memory of a fixed array of the same size.

As before, I begin with a motivating example of its use. The guts of the generic dynamic array implementation are tucked away in a push() macro, which is essentially the entire interface.

typedef struct {
    int32_t  *data;
    ptrdiff_t len;
    ptrdiff_t cap;
} int32s;

int32s fibonacci(int32_t max, arena *perm)
    static int32_t init[] = {0, 1};
    int32s fib = {0};
    fib.data = init;
    fib.len = fib.cap = countof(init);

    for (;;) {
        int32_t a = fib.data[fib.len-2];
        int32_t b = fib.data[fib.len-1];
        if (a+b > max) {
            return fib;
        *push(&fib, perm) = a + b;

Anyone familiar with Go will quickly notice a pattern: int32s looks an awful lot like a Go slice. That was indeed my inspiration, and there is enough context that you could infer similar semantics. I will even call these “slice headers.” Initially I tried a design based on stretchy buffers, but I didn’t like the macros nor the ergonomics.

I wouldn’t write a fibonacci this way in practice, but it’s useful for highlighting certain features. Of particular note:

For a slightly more realistic example: rendering triangles. Suppose we need data in array format for OpenGL, but we don’t know the number of vertices ahead of time. A dynamic array is convenient, especially if we discard the array as soon as OpenGL is done with it. We could build up entire scenes like this for each display frame.

typedef struct {
     GLfloat x, y, z;
} GLvert;

typedef struct {
    GLvert   *data;
    ptrdiff_t len;
    ptrdiff_t cap;
} GLverts;

void renderobj(char *buf, ptrdiff_t len, arena scratch)
    GLverts vs = {0};
    objparser parser = newobjparser(buf, len);
    for (...) {
        *push(&vs, &scratch) = nextvert(&parser);
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vs.data);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vs.len);

As before, GLverts is slice-shaped. This time it’s zero-initialized, which is a valid empty dynamic array. As with maps, that means any object with such a field comes with a ready-to-use empty dynamic array. Putting it together, here’s an example that gradually appends vertices to named dynamic arrays, randomly accessed by string name:

typedef struct {
    map    *child[4];
    str     name;
    GLverts verts;
} map;

verts *upsert(map **, str, arena *);  // from the last article

map *example(..., arena *perm)
    map *m = 0;
    for (...) {
        str name = ...;
        vert v = ...;
        verts *vs = upsert(&m, name, perm);
        *push(vs, perm) = v;
    return m;

That’s what Go would call map[str][]vert, but allocated entirely out of an arena. Ever thought C could do this so simply and conveniently? The memory allocator (~15 lines), map (~30 lines), dynamic array (~30 lines), constructors (0 lines), and destructors (0 lines) that power this total to ~75 lines of zero-dependency code!

Implementation details

I despise macro abuse, and programs substantially implemented in macros are annoying. They’re difficult to understand and debug. A good dynamic array implementation will require a macro, and one of my goals was to keep it as simple and minimal as possible. The macro’s job is to:

  1. Check the capacity and maybe grow the array via function call.
  2. Smuggle type information (i.e. sizeof) to that function.
  3. Compute a pointer of the proper type to the new element.

Here’s what I came up with:

#define push(s, arena) \
    ((s)->len >= (s)->cap \
        ? grow(s, sizeof(*(s)->data), arena), \
          (s)->data + (s)->len++ \
        : (s)->data + (s)->len++)

The macro will be used as an expression, so it cannot use statements like if. The condition is therefore a ternary operator. If it’s full, it calls the supporting grow function. In either case, it computes the result from data. In particular, note that the grow branch uses a comma operator to sequence growth before pointer derivation, as grow will change the value of data as a side effect.

To be generic, the grow function uses memcpy-based type punning:

static void grow(void *slice, ptrdiff_t size, arena *a)
    struct {
        void     *data;
        ptrdiff_t len;
        ptrdiff_t cap;
    } replica;
    memcpy(&replica, slice, sizeof(replica));

    replica.cap = replica.cap ? replica.cap : 1;
    ptrdiff_t align = 16;
    void *data = alloc(a, 2*size, align, replica.cap);
    replica.cap *= 2;
    if (replica.len) {
        memcpy(data, replica.data, size*replica.len);
    replica.data = data;

    memcpy(slice, &replica, sizeof(replica));

The slice header is copied over a local replica, avoiding conflicts with strict aliasing. This is the archetype slice header. It still requires that different pointers have identical memory representation. That’s virtually always true, and certainly true anywhere I’d use an arena.

If the capacity was zero, it behaves as though it was one, and so, through doubling, zero-capacity arrays become capacity-2 arrays on the first push. It’s better to let alloc — whose definition, you may recall, included an overflow check — handle size overflow so that it can invoke the out of memory policy, so instead of doubling cap, which would first require an overflow check, it doubles the object size. This is a small constant (i.e. from sizeof), so doubling it is always safe.

Copying over old data includes a special check for zero-length inputs, because, quite frustratingly, memcpy does not accept null even when the length is zero. I check for zero length instead of null so that it’s more sensitive to defects. If the pointer is null with a non-zero length, it will trip Undefined Behavior Sanitizer, or at least crash the program, rather than silently skip copying.

Finally the updated replica is copied over the original slice header, updating it with the new data pointer and capacity. The original backing array is untouched but is no longer referenced through this slice header. Old slice headers will continue to function with the old backing array, such as when the arena is reset to a point where the dynamic array was smaller.

    int32s vals = {0};
    *push(&vals, &scratch) = 1;  // resize: cap=2
    *push(&vals, &scratch) = 2;
    *push(&vals, &scratch) = 3;  // resize: cap=4
        arena tmp = scratch;  // scoped arena
        int32s extended = vals;
        *push(&extended, &tmp) = 4;
        *push(&extended, &tmp) = 5;  // resize: cap=8
    // vals still works, cap=4, extension freed

In practice, a dynamic array comes from old backing arrays whose total size adds up just shy of the current array capacity. For example, if the current capacity is 16, old arrays are size 2+4+8 = 14.

If you’re worried about misuse, such as slice header fields being in the wrong order, a couple of assertions can quickly catch such mistakes at run time, typically under the lightest of testing. In fact, I planned for this by using the more-sensitive len>=cap instead of just len==cap, so that it would direct execution towards assertions in grow:

    assert(replica.len >= 0);
    assert(replica.cap >= 0);
    assert(replica.len <= replica.cap);

This also demonstrates another benefit of signed sizes: Exactly half the range is invalid and so defects tend to quickly trip these assertions.


Alignment is unfortunately fixed, and I picked a “safe” value of 16. In my new() macro I used _Alignof to pass type information to alloc. Due to an oversight, unlike sizeof, _Alignof cannot be applied to expressions, and so it cannot be used in dynamic arrays. GCC and Clang support _Alignof on expressions just like sizeof, as it’s such an obvious idea, but Microsoft chose to strictly follow the oversight in the standard. To support MSVC, I’ve deliberately limited the capabilities of push. If that doesn’t matter, fixing it is easy:

--- a/example.c
+++ b/example.c
@@ -2,3 +2,3 @@
     ((s)->len >= (s)->cap \
-        ? grow(s, sizeof(*(s)->data), arena), \
+        ? grow(s, sizeof(*(s)->data), _Alignof(*(s)->data), arena), \
           (s)->data + (s)->len++ \
@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@
-static void grow(void *slice, ptrdiff_t size, arena *a)
+static void grow(void *slice, ptrdiff_t size, ptrdiff_t align, arena *a)
@@ -16,3 +16,2 @@
     replica.cap = replica.cap ? replica.cap : 1;
-    ptrdiff_t align = 16;
     void *data = alloc(a, 2*size, align, replica.cap);

Though while you’re at it, if you’re already using extensions you might want to switch push to a statement expression so that the slice header s does not get evaluated more than once — i.e. so that upsert() in my example above could be used inside the push() expession.

#define push(s, a) ({ \
    typeof(s) s_ = (s); \
    typeof(a) a_ = (a); \
    if (s_->len >= s_->cap) { \
        grow(s_, sizeof(*s_->data), _Alignof(*s_->data), a_); \
    } \
    s_->data + s_->len++; \

So far this approach to dynamic arrays has been useful on a number of occasions, and I’m quite happy with the results. As with arena-friendly hash maps, I’ve no doubt they’ll become a staple in my C programs.

Addendum: extend the last allocation

Dennis Schön suggests a check if the array ends at the next arena allocation and, if so, extend the array into the arena in place. grow() already has the necessary information on hand, so it needs only the additional check:

static void grow(void *slice, ptrdiff_t size, ptrdiff_t align, arena *a)
    struct {
        char     *data;
        ptrdiff_t len;
        ptrdiff_t cap;
    } replica;
    memcpy(&replica, slice, sizeof(replica));

    if (!replica.data) {
        replica.cap = 1;
        replica.data = alloc(a, 2*size, align, replica.cap);
    } else if (a->beg == replica.data + size*replica.cap) {
        alloc(a, size, 1, replica.cap);
    } else {
        void *data = alloc(a, 2*size, align, replica.cap);
        memcpy(data, replica.data, size*replica.len);
        replica.data = data;

    replica.cap *= 2;
    memcpy(slice, &replica, sizeof(replica));

Because that’s yet another check for null, I’ve split it out into an independent third case:

  1. If the data pointer is null, make an initial allocation.
  2. If the array ends at the next arena allocation, extend it.
  3. Otherwise allocate a fresh array and copy.

Not quite as simple, but it improves the most common case.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)