I wanted an elisp macro that could measure the running time of a block
of code. Specifically, I wanted it to work like this,
And it would return the running time as seconds in floating
point. Well, here's a macro that does it!
;; ID: 6a3f3d99-f0da-329a-c01c-bb6b868f3239
(defmacro measure-time (&rest body)
"Measure and return the running time of the code block."
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((start (make-symbol "start")))
`(let ((,start (float-time)))
(- (float-time) ,start))))
It's only good for up to around 18 hours, then the time integer
overflows. If only Emacs had arbitrary precision numbers. Here it is
in action using my binomial function from
last week.
(nck 20 10)
(nck 30 7))
Which, just now, returned 3.643713
seconds when executed.