Relocatable Global Data on x86

Relocatable code — program code that executes correctly from any properly-aligned address — is an essential feature for shared libraries. Otherwise all of a system’s shared libraries would need to coordinate their virtual load addresses. Loading programs and libraries to random addresses is also a valuable security feature: Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). But how does a compiler generate code for a function that accesses a global variable if that variable’s address isn’t known at compile time?

Consider this simple C code sample.

static const float values[] = {1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f};

float get_value(unsigned x)
    return x < 4 ? values[x] : 0.0f;

This function needs the base address of values in order to dereference it for values[x]. The easiest way to find out how this works, especially without knowing where to start, is to compile the code and have a look! I’ll compile for x86-64 with GCC 4.9.2 (Debian Jessie).

$ gcc -c -Os -fPIC get_value.c

I optimized for size (-Os) to make the disassembly easier to follow. Next, disassemble this pre-linked code with objdump. Alternatively I could have asked for the compiler’s assembly output with -S, but this will be good reverse engineering practice.

$ objdump -d -Mintel get_value.o
0000000000000000 <get_value>:
   0:   83 ff 03                cmp    edi,0x3
   3:   0f 57 c0                xorps  xmm0,xmm0
   6:   77 0e                   ja     16 <get_value+0x16>
   8:   48 8d 05 00 00 00 00    lea    rax,[rip+0x0]
   f:   89 ff                   mov    edi,edi
  11:   f3 0f 10 04 b8          movss  xmm0,DWORD PTR [rax+rdi*4]
  16:   c3                      ret

There are a couple of interesting things going on, but let’s start from the beginning.

  1. The ABI specifies that the first integer/pointer argument (the 32-bit integer x) is passed through the edi register. The function compares x to 3, to satisfy x < 4.

  2. The ABI specifies that floating point values are returned through the SSE2 SIMD register xmm0. It’s cleared by XORing the register with itself — the conventional way to clear registers on x86 — setting up for a return value of 0.0f.

  3. It then uses the result of the previous comparison to perform a jump, ja (“jump if after”). That is, jump to the relative address specified by the jump’s operand if the first operand to cmp (edi) comes after the first operand (0x3) as unsigned values. Its cousin, jg (“jump if greater”), is for signed values. If x is outside the array bounds, it jumps straight to ret, returning 0.0f.

  4. If x was in bounds, it uses a lea (“load effective address”) to load something into the 64-bit rax register. This is the complicated bit, and I’ll start by giving the answer: The value loaded into rax is the address of the values array. More on this in a moment.

  5. Finally it uses x as an index into address in rax. The movss (“move scalar single-precision”) instruction loads a 32-bit float into the first lane of xmm0, where the caller expects to find the return value. This is all preceded by a mov edi, edi which looks like a hotpatch nop, but it isn’t. x86-64 always uses 64-bit registers for addressing, meaning it uses rdi not edi. All 32-bit register assignments clear the upper 32 bits, and so this mov zero-extends edi into rdi. This is in case of the unlikely event that the caller left garbage in those upper bits.

Clearing xmm0

The first interesting part: xmm0 is cleared even when its first lane is loaded with a value. There are two reasons to do this.

The obvious reason is that the alternative requires additional instructions, and I told GCC to optimize for size. It would need either an extra ret or an conditional jmp over the “else” branch.

The less obvious reason is that it breaks a data dependency. For over 20 years now, x86 micro-architectures have employed an optimization technique called register renaming. Architectural registers (rax, edi, etc.) are just temporary names for underlying physical registers. This disconnect allows for more aggressive out-of-order execution. Two instructions sharing an architectural register can be executed independently so long as there are no data dependencies between these instructions.

For example, take this assembly sample. It assembles to 9 bytes of machine code.

    mov  edi, [rcx]
    mov  ecx, 7
    shl  eax, cl

This reads a 32-bit value from the address stored in rcx, then assigns ecx and uses cl (the lowest byte of rcx) in a shift operation. Without register renaming, the shift couldn’t be performed until the load in the first instruction completed. However, the second instruction is a 32-bit assignment, which, as I mentioned before, also clears the upper 32 bits of rcx, wiping the unused parts of register.

So after the second instruction, it’s guaranteed that the value in rcx has no dependencies on code that comes before it. Because of this, it’s likely a different physical register will be used for the second and third instructions, allowing these instructions to be executed out of order, before the load. Ingenious!

Compare it to this example, where the second instruction assigns to cl instead of ecx. This assembles to just 6 bytes.

    mov  edi, [rcx]
    mov  cl, 7
    shl  eax, cl

The result is 3 bytes smaller, but since it’s not a 32-bit assignment, the upper bits of rcx still hold the original register contents. This creates a false dependency and may prevent out-of-order execution, reducing performance.

By clearing xmm0, instructions in get_value involving xmm0 have the opportunity to be executed prior to instructions in the callee that use xmm0.

RIP-relative addressing

Going back to the instruction that computes the address of values.

   8:   48 8d 05 00 00 00 00    lea    rax,[rip+0x0]

Normally load/store addresses are absolute, based off an address either in a general purpose register, or at some hard-coded base address. The latter is not an option in relocatable code. With RIP-relative addressing that’s still the case, but the register with the absolute address is rip, the instruction pointer. This addressing mode was introduced in x86-64 to make relocatable code more efficient.

That means this instruction copies the instruction pointer (pointing to the next instruction) into rax, plus a 32-bit displacement, currently zero. This isn’t the right way to encode a displacement of zero (unless you want a larger instruction). That’s because the displacement will be filled in later by the linker. The compiler adds a relocation entry to the object file so that the linker knows how to do this.

On platforms that use ELF we can inspect relocations this with readelf.

$ readelf -r get_value.o

Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0x270 contains 1 entries:
  Offset          Info           Type       Sym. Value
00000000000b  000700000002 R_X86_64_PC32 0000000000000000 .rodata - 4

The relocation type is R_X86_64_PC32. In the AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement, this is defined as “S + A - P”.

The symbol, S, is .rodata — the final address for this object file’s portion of .rodata (where values resides). The addend, A, is -4 since the instruction pointer points at the next instruction. That is, this will be relative to four bytes after the relocation offset. Finally, the address of the relocation, P, is the address of last four bytes of the lea instruction. These values are all known at link-time, so no run-time support is necessary.

Being “S - P” (overall), this will be the displacement between these two addresses: the 32-bit value is relative. It’s relocatable so long as these two parts of the binary (code and data) maintain a fixed distance from each other. The binary is relocated as a whole, so this assumption holds.

32-bit relocation

Since RIP-relative addressing wasn’t introduced until x86-64, how did this all work on x86? Again, let’s just see what the compiler does. Add the -m32 flag for a 32-bit target, and -fomit-frame-pointer to make it simpler for explanatory purposes.

$ gcc -c -m32 -fomit-frame-pointer -Os -fPIC get_value.c
$ objdump -d -Mintel get_value.o
00000000 <get_value>:
   0:   8b 44 24 04             mov    eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4]
   4:   d9 ee                   fldz
   6:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   7 <get_value+0x7>
   b:   81 c1 02 00 00 00       add    ecx,0x2
  11:   83 f8 03                cmp    eax,0x3
  14:   77 09                   ja     1f <get_value+0x1f>
  16:   dd d8                   fstp   st(0)
  18:   d9 84 81 00 00 00 00    fld    DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4+0x0]
  1f:   c3                      ret

Disassembly of section

00000000 <>:
   0:   8b 0c 24                mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
   3:   c3                      ret

Hmm, this one includes an extra function.

  1. In this calling convention, arguments are passed on the stack. The first instruction loads the argument, x, into eax.

  2. The fldz instruction clears the x87 floating pointer return register, just like clearing xmm0 in the x86-64 version.

  3. Next it calls The call pushes the instruction pointer, eip, onto the stack. This function reads that value off the stack into ecx and returns. In other words, calling this function copies eip into ecx. It’s setting up to load data at an address relative to the code. Notice the function name starts with two underscores — a name which is reserved for exactly for these sorts of implementation purposes.

  4. Next a 32-bit displacement is added to ecx. In this case it’s 2, but, like before, this is actually going be filled in later by the linker.

  5. Then it’s just like before: a branch to optionally load a value. The floating pointer load (fld) is another relocation.

Let’s look at the relocations. There are three this time:

$ readelf -r get_value.o

Relocation section '.rel.text' at offset 0x2b0 contains 3 entries:
 Offset     Info    Type        Sym.Value  Sym. Name
00000007  00000e02 R_386_PC32    00000000
0000000d  00000f0a R_386_GOTPC   00000000   _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
0000001b  00000709 R_386_GOTOFF  00000000   .rodata

The first relocation is the call-site for the thunk. The thunk has external linkage and may be merged with a matching thunk in another object file, and so may be relocated. (Clang inlines its thunk.) Calls are relative, so its type is R_386_PC32: a code-relative displacement just like on x86-64.

The next is of type R_386_GOTPC and sets the second operand in that add ecx. It’s defined as “GOT + A - P” where “GOT” is the address of the Global Offset Table — a table of addresses of the binary’s relocated objects. Since values is static, the GOT won’t actually hold an address for it, but the relative address of the GOT itself will be useful.

The final relocation is of type R_386_GOTOFF. This is defined as “S + A - GOT”. Another displacement between two addresses. This is the displacement in the load, fld. Ultimately the load adds these last two relocations together, canceling the GOT:

  (GOT + A0 - P) + (S + A1 - GOT)
= S + A0 + A1 - P

So the GOT isn’t relevant in this case. It’s just a mechanism for constructing a custom relocation type.

Branch optimization

Notice in the x86 version the thunk is called before checking the argument. What if it’s most likely that will x be out of bounds of the array, and the function usually returns zero? That means it’s usually wasting its time calling the thunk. Without profile-guided optimization the compiler probably won’t know this.

The typical way to provide such a compiler hint is with a pair of macros, likely() and unlikely(). With GCC and Clang, these would be defined to use __builtin_expect. Compilers without this sort of feature would have macros that do nothing instead. So I gave it a shot:

#define likely(x)    __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x)  __builtin_expect((x),0)

static const float values[] = {1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f};

float get_value(unsigned x)
    return unlikely(x < 4) ? values[x] : 0.0f;

Unfortunately this makes no difference even in the latest version of GCC. In Clang it changes branch fall-through (for static branch prediction), but still always calls the thunk. It seems compilers have difficulty with optimizing relocatable code on x86.

x86-64 isn’t just about more memory

It’s commonly understood that the advantage of 64-bit versus 32-bit systems is processes having access to more than 4GB of memory. But as this shows, there’s more to it than that. Even programs that don’t need that much memory can really benefit from newer features like RIP-relative addressing.

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Chris Wellons (PGP)
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