Fast CSV processing with SIMD
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I recently learned of csvquote, a tool that encodes troublesome CSV characters such that unix tools can correctly process them. It reverses the encoding at the end of the pipeline, recovering the original input. The original implementation handles CSV quotes using the straightforward, naive method. However, there’s a better approach that is not only simpler, but around 3x faster on modern hardware. Even more, there’s yet another approach using SIMD intrinsics, plus some bit twiddling tricks, which increases the processing speed by an order of magnitude. My csvquote implementation includes both approaches.
Records in CSV data are separated by line feeds, and fields are separated by commas. Fields may be quoted.
Fields containing a line feed (U+000A), quotation mark (U+0022), or comma (U+002C), must be quoted, otherwise they would be ambiguous with the CSV formatting itself. Quoted quotation marks are turned into a pair of quotes. For example, here are two records with two fields apiece:
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1919–1921, 1923, 1926"
or, The Modern Prometheus",Mary Shelley
A CSV-unaware tool splitting on commas and line feeds (ex. awk
) would
process these records improperly. So csvquote translates quoted line feeds
into record separators (U+001E) and commas into unit separators (U+001F).
These control characters rarely appear in normal text data, and can be
trivially processed in UTF-8-encoded text without decoding or encoding.
The above records become:
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1919–1921\x1f 1923\x1f 1926"
"Frankenstein;\x1eor\x1f The Modern Prometheus",Mary Shelley
I’ve used \x1e
and \x1f
here to illustrate the control characters.
The data is exactly the same length since it’s a straight byte-for-byte replacement. Quotes are left entirely untouched. The challenge is parsing the quotes to track whether the two special characters fall inside or outside pairs of quotes.
State machine improvements
The original csvquote walks the input a byte at a time and is in one of three states:
- Outside quotes (initial state)
- Inside quotes
- On a possibly “escaped” quote (the first
in a""
Since I love state machines so much, here it is translated into a switch-based state machine:
// Return the next state given an input character.
int next(int state, int c)
switch (state) {
case 1: return c == '"' ? 2 : 1;
case 2: return c == '"' ? 3 : 2;
case 3: return c == '"' ? 2 : 1;
The real program also has more conditions for potentially making a replacement. It’s an awful lot of performance-killing branching.
However, this context is about finding “in” and “out” — not validating the CSV — so the “escape” state is unnecessary. I need only match up pairs of quotes. An “escaped” quote can be considered terminating a quoted region and immediately starting a new quoted region. That’s means there’s just the first two states in a trivial arrangement:
int next(int state, int c)
switch (state) {
case 1: return c == '"' ? 2 : 1;
case 2: return c == '"' ? 1 : 2;
Since the text can be processed as bytes, there are only 256 possible inputs. With 2 states and 256 inputs, this state machine, with replacement machinery, can be implemented with a 512-byte table and no branches. Here’s the table initialization:
unsigned char table[2][256];
void init(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
table[0][i] = i;
table[1][i] = i;
table[1]['\n'] = 0x1e;
table[1][','] = 0x1f;
In the first state, characters map onto themselves. In the second state, characters map onto their replacements. This is the entire encoder and decoder:
void encode(unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
int state = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
state ^= (buf[i] == '"');
buf[i] = table[state][buf[i]];
Well, strictly speaking, the decoder need not process quotes. By my
benchmark (csvdump
in my implementation) this processes at ~1 GiB/s on
my laptop — 3x faster than the original. However, there’s still
low-hanging fruit to be picked!
SIMD and two’s complement
Any decent SIMD implementation is going to make use of masking. Find the quotes, compute a mask over quoted regions, compute another mask for replacement matches, combine the masks, then use that mask to blend the input with the replacements. Roughly:
quotes = find_quoted_regions(input)
linefeeds = input == '\n'
commas = input == ','
output = blend(input, '\n', quotes & linefeeds)
output = blend(output, ',', quotes & commas)
The hard part is computing the quote mask, and also somehow handle quoted regions straddling SIMD chunks (not pictured), and do all that without resorting to slow byte-at-time operations. Fortunately there are some bitwise tricks that can resolve each issue.
Imagine I load 32 bytes into a SIMD register (e.g. AVX2), and I compute a 32-bit mask where each bit corresponds to one byte. If that byte contains a quote, the corresponding bit is set.
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1
That last/lowest 1 corresponds to the beginning of a quoted region. For my mask, I’d like to set all bits following that bit. I can do this by subtracting 1.
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1
Using the Kernighan technique I can also remove this bit from the original input by ANDing them together.
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1
Now I’m left with a new bottom bit. If I repeat this, I build up layers of masks, one for each input quote.
Remember how I use XOR in the state machine above to toggle between states? If I XOR all these together, I toggle the quotes on and off, building up quoted regions:
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1
However, for reasons I’ll explain shortly, it’s critical that the opening quote is included in this mask. If I XOR the pre-subtracted value with the mask when I compute the mask, I can toggle the remaining quotes on and off such that the opening quotes are included. Here’s my function:
uint32_t find_quoted_regions(uint32_t x)
uint32_t r = 0;
while (x) {
r ^= x;
r ^= x - 1;
x &= x - 1;
return r;
Which gives me exactly what I want:
"George Herman ""Babe"" Ruth","1
It’s important that the opening quote is included because it means a region that begins on the last byte will have that last bit set. I can use that last bit to determine if the next chunk begins in a quoted state. If a region begins in a quoted state, I need only NOT the whole result to reverse the quoted regions.
How can I “sign extend” a 1 into all bits set, or do nothing for zero? Negate it!
uint32_t carry = -(prev & 1);
uint32_t quotes = find_quoted_regions(input) ^ carry;
// ...
prev = quotes;
That takes care of computing quoted regions and chaining them between chunks. The loop will unfortunately cause branch prediction penalties if the input has lots of quotes, but I couldn’t find a way around this.
However, I’ve made a serious mistake. I’m using _mm256_movemask_epi8
it puts the first byte in the lowest bit. Doh! That means it looks like
1","htuR ""ebaB"" namreH egroeG"
There’s no efficient way to flip the bits around, so I just need to find a way to work in the other direction. To flip the bits to the left of a set bit, negate it.
00000000000000000000000010000000 = +0x00000080
11111111111111111111111110000000 = -0x00000080
Unlike before, this keeps the original bit set, so I need to XOR the original value into the input to flip the quotes. This is as simple as initializing to the input rather than zero. The new loop:
uint32_t find_quoted_regions(uint32_t x)
uint32_t r = x;
while (x) {
r ^= -x ^ x;
x &= x - 1;
return r;
The result:
1","htuR ""ebaB"" namreH egroeG"
The carry now depends on the high bit rather than the low bit:
uint32_t carry = -(prev >> 31);
Reversing movemask
The next problem: for reasons I don’t understand, AVX2 does not include
the inverse of _mm256_movemask_epi8
. Converting the bit-mask back into a
byte-mask requires some clever shuffling. Fortunately I’m not the first
to have this problem, and so I didn’t have to figure it out from
First fill the 32-byte register with repeated copies of the 32-bit mask.
Shuffle the bytes so that the first 8 register bytes have the same copy of the first bit-mask byte, etc.
In byte 0, I care only about bit 0, in byte 1 I care only about the bit 1,
… in byte N I care only about bit N%8
. I can pre-compute a mask to
isolate each of these bits and produce a proper byte-wise mask from the
bit-mask. Fortunately all this isn’t too bad: four instructions instead of
the one I had wanted. It looks like a lot of code, but it’s really only a
few instructions.
In my benchmark, which includes randomly occurring quoted fields, the SIMD version processes at ~4 GiB/s — 10x faster than the original. I haven’t profiled, but I expect mispredictions on the bit-mask loop are the main obstacle preventing the hypothetical 32x speedup.
My version also optionally rejects inputs containing the two special control characters since the encoding would be irreversible. This is implemented in SIMD when available, and it slows processing by around 10%.
Geoff Langdale and others have graciously pointed out PCLMULQDQ, which can compute the quote masks using carryless multiplication (also) entirely in SIMD and without a loop. I haven’t yet quite worked out exactly how to apply it, but it should be much faster.
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