Symbol inspection tools for w64devkit: vc++filt and peports

I introduced two new tools to w64devkit, vc++filt and peports (pronounced like purports), which aid manual symbol inspection and complement one another. As of this writing, the latter is not yet in a release, but it’s feature-complete and trivial to build if you wanted to try it out early. This article explains the motivation and purpose for each.


Binutils has c++filt, a tool to demangle C++ symbols. Its primary use case is operating on whole files or streams, passing through anything that doesn’t look like a mangled C++ symbol, and interpolating human-friendly names in place of mangled symbols. In, say, Vim I could run the current buffer through it to translate mangled symbols (:%!c++filt). Otherwise it’s often composed with other tools in a pipeline.

For example, suppose I want to inspect the assembly of this C++ source:

int bar(int, int);

int foo(int x)
    return bar(x, x);

Without needing to create intermediate files, I could compile and filter out assembler directives in one pipeline:

$ cc -S -O2 -o - x.cpp | grep -Fv .
        movl    %ecx, %edx
        jmp     _Z3barii

The two symbols, foo and bar have been mangled according to the Itanium C++ ABI, preferred by GNU toolchains. It might be nice to see human-friendly names for these symbols. c++filt to the rescue:

$ cc -S -O2 -o - x.cpp | grep -Fv . | c++filt
        movl    %ecx, %edx
        jmp     bar(int, int)

That’s no longer valid assembly of course — which is essentially the point of mangling in the first place — but it’s friendlier to human inspection.

However, MSVC uses the Microsoft ABI and is substantially different. Instead of the pejorative “mangle,” they choose more positive terminology, decoration. When inspecting MSVC-generated code, c++filt is no use. The closest alternative is undname from the MSVC toolchain, but it’s far less flexible and powerful. Plus it requires installing Visual Studio. A number of times I’ve wanted a tool like c++filt for Visual C++. In other words, vc++filt!

The name decoration ABI is undocumented and complicated. Rather than write my own implementation based on reverse engineered documentation, or pull in a third-party library (i.e. LLVM), I call UnDecorateSymbolName from dbghelp.dllincluded in every version of Windows since at least Windows XP. The cost is that vc++filt is not portable and couldn’t be included in a cross toolchain.

UnDecorateSymbolName is reasonably performant, but after testing on real data I found it was still worth caching calls. The program never queries the same symbol twice in a run, instead referring to its cache; except in the unlikely case of running out of memory, in which case it gracefully reverts to calling dbghelp.dll.

Otherwise vc++filt behaves like c++filt, minus features inapplicable to the Microsoft ABI. It has a simple tokenizer for Microsoft ABI name decorations. Tokens are passed to UnDecorateSymbolName. All other bytes pass through, as are false positives. In practice, decorated symbols can be quite lengthy — in my observations of real world libraries, as long as 10kB — so the tokenizer buffer is generous in order to compensate.

To nobody’s surprise, MSVC tools are not composable in pipelines, so repeating the previous assembly demonstration requires an extra step. First compile to assembly (/Fa):

$ cl /c /Fa /O2 x.cpp

Applying some directive and comment filtering to the assembly:

$ sed 's/;.*//' x.asm | grep -Eiv '^_|^include|^end|^$|\$'
        mov     edx, ecx
        jmp     ?bar@@YAHHH@Z

Applying vc++filt:

$ sed 's/;.*//' x.asm | grep -Eiv '^_|^include|^end|^$|\$' | vc++filt
PUBLIC  int __cdecl foo(int)
EXTRN   int __cdecl bar(int,int):PROC
int __cdecl foo(int) PROC
        mov     edx, ecx
        jmp     int __cdecl bar(int,int)
int __cdecl foo(int) ENDP

Like before, I could also undecorate a buffer in Vim: :%!vc++filt. It’s not limited to assembly, of course. It could be applied to the output of Binutils nm or objdump, or MSVC dumpbin. Speaking of which…


Portable Executables (PE), which includes EXE and DLL images, have an export table and an import table. The peports command displays these tables: “portable executable ‘ports.” It’s equivalent to the MSVC dumpbin (i.e. link /dump) options /exports and /imports, but I wanted an implementation I could include in w64dk. Binutils objdump -p prints export and import tables, but it’s unreliable on binaries not linked by BFD (case in point: Go binaries), and the output includes extra information before and after. Unlike vc++filt, peports is portable and runs on Linux, etc.

An export table entry is a 3-tuple: address, ordinal, symbol. The symbol may be null, though this is unusual. An import table entry is a different 3-tuple: module, hint, symbol. The module names another PE, typically a DLL. The hint references an ordinal in the named module’s export table. The symbol may also be null, in which case the hint is not just a hint. That’s also unusual, though less so. Ordinals are a relic of the 16-bit era, but in my testing I found quite a few modern, 64-bit programs which import Win32 and Winsock functions by ordinal, i.e. null symbol, which is supported for certain symbols.

Export and import tables have grown on me by their robustness. One can link the same symbol from different DLLs — unlikely by intention, but not so unlikely by accident. Symbols are bound to modules at link time, not at load time. In ELF, modules and symbols are separate, disconnected tables, delaying binding to load time — or, with lazy loading, even later — and risking mix-ups. Though that fast-and-loose paradigm is also allows semantic interposition via LD_PRELOAD, for better or worse.

My problem with PE was a lack of tooling to examine export and, more so, import tables! I filled that gap with peports. Now I can conveniently answer a question such as, “Is my program importing anything unexpected?” For export tables there is also the previously discussed Mingw-w64 gendef — w64dk includes an improved version — which outputs concisely in the DEF format.

If you run peports.exe against vc++filt in the latest w64dk builds:

$ peports "$(which vc++filt)"
        0       UnDecorateSymbolName
        0       ExitProcess
        0       GetCommandLineW
        0       GetConsoleMode
        0       GetStdHandle
        0       ReadFile
        0       VirtualAlloc
        0       WideCharToMultiByte
        0       WriteConsoleW
        0       WriteFile
        0       CommandLineToArgvW

Like a typical EXE, it has no export table — or, from another point of view, the export table has no entries — so the output lists no exports. Import table entries are grouped by module in a way that matches their representation in the PE image. The number is the ordinal hint and the rest of the line is the symbol. Because the program is CRT-free, there are no imports from msvcrt.dll or similar. For typical programs, peports will print hundreds of imports.

All zeros for hints is new, and as of this writing, not yet the situation in a w64dk release. In most programs, hints are populated with essentially random numbers. Historically, GNU and MSVC toolchains write guesses that are incorrect more than 99.9% of the time. Rather than pretend knowledge, hints in binaries built by w64dk will be zero when not explicitly chosen. In my observations, independent toolchains behave this way.

There are few DLLs in w64dk itself to test out. One is Vim, the bulk of which is in a DLL shared between console (vim) and graphical (gvim) EXEs. It has one export, and requesting just exports (-e):

$ peports -e "$W64DEVKIT_HOME/share/vim/vim64.dll"
        1       VimMain

Just one export, the entry point to start the editor. The export format is like the import format, but the module name is replaced with EXPORTS. Because it’s an export, that’s not an ordinal hint, but an actual ordinal, hence it’s non-zero. Whether or not an ordinal is stable is semantic, and more a social issue than a technical one.

I had not written a serious PE parser until peports, where “serious” includes thorough fuzz testing (when there is a bug, it’s likely in the toolchain and not in peports). Some unexpected findings:

To aid debugging, peports escapes octets that are not printable ASCII. This may clear up mismatches that do not otherwise appear as such. For example, exporting π as a UTF-8 symbol will display as \xcf\x80. For this reason, backslashes are also hex-encoded as though unprintable. Angle brackets indicate special notation, such as null symbols (<NONAME>), empty symbols (<>), and forwarders, and so are also hex-encoded to disambiguate output. I chose angle brackets for notation because they’re invalid in both file names and symbol names.

Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah

Suppose there’s a DLL exporting Visual C++ symbols, and you’d like to both see those exports and undecorate them. Combine peports and vc++filt! Surprising perhaps, but one such DLL is msvcrt.dll, which exports pieces of a C++ implementation. For example, allocation functions:

$ peports "$WINDIR/system32/msvcrt.dll" | vc++filt -p | grep 'operator '
        20      operator new
        21      operator new
        22      operator delete
        35      operator new[]
        36      operator new[]
        37      operator delete[]

Not to be used seriously, but with the DLL symbol renaming trick, we can translate Visual C++ decoration into GNU mangling and hook GNU C++ up to a Visual C++ allocator. Take this msvcrt.def:

LIBRARY msvcrt
_Znwy  == ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z
_ZdlPv == ??3@YAXPEAX@Z

The left side is GNU, the right side is Microsoft, both referring to the same prototype (64-bit only). Creating the import library:

$ dlltool -l msvcrt.lib -d msvcrt.def

Finally a little test program:

extern "C" int mainCRTStartup()
    int *p = new int;
    *p = 1234;
    delete p;
    return 0;

Build and test:

$ cc -nostdlib -g3 -fno-sized-deallocation example.cpp msvcrt.lib
$ gdb a.exe

Stepping through in GDB, everything works as expected. The “no sized deallocation” option is required because, quite correctly, GCC defaults to size-aware deallocation, but the MSVCRT implementation is not. Alternatively I could do this with a different translation in the DEF, mismatching the prototypes on purpose while knowing that the extra parameter (size) is harmless in this particular calling convention.

While this last example is kind of silly, it’s a useful demonstration of the capabilities these tools add to w64dk. I now use each regularly.

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null program

Chris Wellons (PGP)
~skeeto/ (view)