Deep list copy: More than meets the eye

I recently came across a take-home C programming test which had more depth and complexity than I suspect the interviewer intended. While considering it, I also came up with a novel, or at least unconventional, solution. The problem is to deep copy a linked list where each node references a random list element in addition to usual linkage — similar to LeetCode problem 138. This reference is one of identity rather than value, which has murky consequences.

typedef struct node node;
struct node {
    node *next;
    node *ref;   // arbitrary node in the list, or null

node *deepcopy(node *);

In the copy, nodes have individual lifetimes allocated using malloc which the caller is responsible for freeing. While thickheaded, this is conventional, and I cannot blame the test’s designer for sticking to familiar textbook concepts. My special solution handles this constraint in stride. (In a well-written program the whole list would have a single lifetime likely shared with yet more objects.)

Ignoring ref, copying the normal list linkage is trivial. Walk the original list, allocate a new node each iteration, and append it to the result. The hard part is resolving ref. Given an arbitrary node pointer, we must determine to which of the original list nodes it points, then find the node at the matching position in the new list. Naively we could scan the old list to search for a match:

node *old = oldlist;
node *new = newlist;
for (;;) {
    if (old->ref) {
        node *findold = oldlist;
        node *findnew = newlist;
        for (;;) {
            if (old->ref == findold) {
                new->ref = findnew;
            findold = findold->next;
            findnew = findnew->next;
    old = old->next;
    new = new->next;

The nested loops are obviously quadratic time. That won’t scale well. To do better we need some way to map, by identity, old list nodes onto new list nodes. However, pointers do not necessarily have a value on which we could key a map. Other languages do not even expose such a concept, or at least hide it behind some “unsafe” mechanism. In that case it seems the best we could do is quadratic time.

Solution by temporary mutation

If we’re free to temporarily modify the original list, then we can use memory as a map. After all, memory itself is a kind of pointer-to-object map! Since we only get one such map per process, we’ll need to commandeer the original list during the copy. The trick is to interleave the two lists when constructing the new list:

old1 -> new1 -> old2 -> new2 -> ... -> null

That might look like (note the double-skip per iteration):

for (node *old = oldlist; old; old = old->next->next) {
    node *new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
    new->ref  = 0;
    new->next = old->next;
    old->next = new;

When we have a pointer to an old list node, the node itself points to the matching new list node.

for (node *old = oldlist; old; old = old->next->next) {
    if (old->ref) {
        old->next->ref = old->ref->next;

Then before returning we’d need to deinterleave the lists, restoring the old list and separating it from the result. This solution is linear time and doesn’t require dealing with the concept of identity. Though modifying the original list isn’t always possible. That won’t work if it’s accessed concurrently — shared with another thread, accessed in a signal handler, or something else reentrant — or if it’s in read-only memory.

Solution by intrusive hash map

If we can obtain a stable value from a pointer, i.e. uintptr_t — in practice virtually always true — then there’s an interesting O(n log n) solution using an intrusive map which doesn’t modify the original list. This is my own novel solution. The result will be simultaneously a linked list and a hash map, and the caller won’t even know it! Because the map is built into the list, with a caller-managed lifetime, we won’t free anything before returning.

To start, linked list nodes are embedded at the front of hash trie nodes. The caller will see this initial field, but not the hash trie fields. Being at the front, the caller can still free them by this “internal” pointer, which allows the hash trie to be invisible.

typedef struct map map;
struct map {
    node  new;
    map  *child[4];
    node *old;

The “key” is old and the “value” is new. Lookup and insert use the usual “upsert” construction oriented around zero-initialization:

node *upsert(map **m, node *old)
    if (!old) {
        return 0;  // map null to null

    uint64_t hash = (uintptr_t)old * 1111111111111111111ull;
    for (; *m; hash <<= 2) {
        if (old == (*m)->old) {
            return &(*m)->new;
        m = &(*m)->child[hash>>62];

    *m = calloc(1, sizeof(map));
    (*m)->old = old;
    return &(*m)->new;

If the matching node doesn’t yet exist, the function creates it. Also note how it returns an internal pointer. With “upsert” semantics, loop copying is trivialized:

node *deepcopy(node *head)
    map *m = 0;
    for (node *old = head; old; old = old->next) {
        node *new = upsert(&m, old);
        new->next = upsert(&m, old->next);
        new->ref  = upsert(&m, old->ref);
    return upsert(&m, head);

These easy-to-implement hash tries continue to be generally useful and elegant, even with traditional memory management. Cloneable, runnable source with tests is available as a gist if you’d like to play around with it yourself.

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null program

Chris Wellons (PGP)
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