In my first decade writing Makefiles, I developed the bad habit of
liberally using GNU Make’s extensions. I didn’t know the line between
GNU Make and the portable features guaranteed by POSIX. Usually it
didn’t matter much, but it would become an annoyance when building on
non-Linux systems, such as on the various BSDs. I’d have to specifically
install GNU Make, then remember to invoke it (i.e. as gmake
) instead
of the system’s make.
I’ve since become familiar and comfortable with make’s official
specification, and I’ve spend the last year writing strictly
portable Makefiles. Not only has are my builds now portable across all
unix-like systems, my Makefiles are cleaner and more robust. Many of the
common make extensions — conditionals in particular — lead to fragile,
complicated Makefiles and are best avoided anyway. It’s important to be
able to trust your build system to do its job correctly.
This tutorial should be suitable for make beginners who have never
written their own Makefiles before, as well as experienced developers
who want to learn how to write portable Makefiles. Regardless, in
order to understand the examples you must be familiar with the usual
steps for building programs on the command line (compiler, linker,
object files, etc.). I’m not going to suggest any fancy tricks nor
provide any sort of standard starting template. Makefiles should be dead
simple when the project is small, and grow in a predictable, clean
fashion alongside the project.
I’m not going to cover every feature. You’ll need to read the
specification for yourself to learn it all. This tutorial will go over
the important features as well as the common conventions. It’s important
to follow established conventions so that people using your Makefiles
will know what to expect and how to accomplish the basic tasks.
If you’re running Debian, or a Debian derivative such as Ubuntu, the
and freebsd-buildutils
packages will provide the bmake
programs respectively. These alternative make implementations
are very useful for testing your Makefiles’ portability, should you
accidentally make use of a GNU Make feature. It’s not perfect since each
implements some of the same extensions as GNU Make, but it will catch
some common mistakes.
What’s in a Makefile?
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable,
I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free
because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I
do. ―Robert A. Heinlein
At make’s core are one or more dependency trees, constructed from
rules. Each vertex in the tree is called a target. The final
products of the build (executable, document, etc.) are the tree roots. A
Makefile specifies the dependency trees and supplies the shell commands
to produce a target from its prerequisites.

In this illustration, the “.c” files are source files that are written
by hand, not generated by commands, so they have no prerequisites. The
syntax for specifying one or more edges in this dependency tree is
target [target...]: [prerequisite...]
While technically multiple targets can be specified in a single rule,
this is unusual. Typically each target is specified in its own rule. To
specify the tree in the illustration above:
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c
input.o: input.c
The order of these rules doesn’t matter. The entire Makefile is parsed
before any actions are taken, so the tree’s vertices and edges can be
specified in any order. There’s one exception: the first non-special
target in a Makefile is the default target. This target is selected
implicitly when make is invoked without choosing a target. It should be
something sensible, so that a user can blindly run make and get a useful
A target can be specified more than once. Any new prerequisites are
appended to the previously-given prerequisites. For example, this
Makefile is identical to the previous, though it’s typically not written
this way:
game: graphics.o
game: physics.o
game: input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c
input.o: input.c
There are six special targets that are used to change the behavior
of make itself. All have uppercase names and start with a period.
Names fitting this pattern are reserved for use by make. According to
the standard, in order to get reliable POSIX behavior, the first
non-comment line of the Makefile must be .POSIX
. Since this is a
special target, it’s not a candidate for the default target, so game
will remain the default target:
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c
input.o: input.c
In practice, even a simple program will have header files, and sources
that include a header file should also have an edge on the dependency
tree for it. If the header file changes, targets that include it should
also be rebuilt.
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
Adding commands to rules
We’ve constructed a dependency tree, but we still haven’t told make how
to actually build any targets from its prerequisites. The rules also
need to specify the shell commands that produce a target from its
If you were to create the source files in the example and invoke make,
you will find that it actually does know how to build the object
files. This is because make is initially configured with certain
inference rules, a topic which will be covered later. For now, we’ll
add the .SUFFIXES
special target to the top, erasing all the built-in
inference rules.
Commands immediately follow the target/prerequisite line in a rule. Each
command line must start with a tab character. This can be awkward if
your text editor isn’t configured for it, and it will be awkward if you
try to copy the examples from this page.
Each line is run in its own shell, so be mindful of using commands like
, which won’t affect later lines.
The simplest thing to do is literally specify the same commands you’d
type at the shell:
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
cc -o game graphics.o physics.o input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
cc -c graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
cc -c physics.c
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
cc -c input.c
Invoking make and choosing targets
I tried to walk into Target, but I missed. ―Mitch Hedberg
When invoking make, it accepts zero or more targets from the dependency
tree, and it will build these targets — e.g. run the commands in the
target’s rule — if the target is out-of-date. A target is out-of-date
if it is older than any of its prerequisites.
# build the "game" binary (default target)
$ make
# build just the object files
$ make graphics.o physics.o input.o
This effect cascades up the dependency tree and causes further targets
to be rebuilt until all of the requested targets are up-to-date. There’s
a lot of room for parallelism since different branches of the tree can
be updated independently. It’s common for make implementations to
support parallel builds with the -j
option. This is non-standard, but
it’s a fantastic feature that doesn’t require anything special in the
Makefile to work correctly.
Similar to parallel builds is make’s -k
(“keep going”) option, which
is standard. This tells make not to stop on the first error, and to
continue updating targets that are unaffected by the error. This is nice
for fully populating Vim’s quickfix list or Emacs’ compilation
It’s common to have multiple targets that should be built by default. If
the first rule selects the default target, how do we solve the problem
of needing multiple default targets? The convention is to use phony
targets. These are called “phony” because there is no corresponding
file, and so phony targets are never up-to-date. It’s convention for a
phony “all” target to be the default target.
I’ll make game
a prerequisite of a new “all” target. More real targets
could be added as necessary to turn them into defaults. Users of this
Makefile will also expect make all
to build the entire project.
Another common phony target is “clean” which removes all of the built
files. Users will expect make clean
to delete all generated files.
all: game
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
cc -o game graphics.o physics.o input.o
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
cc -c graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
cc -c physics.c
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
cc -c input.c
rm -f game graphics.o physics.o input.o
Customize the build with macros
So far the Makefile hardcodes cc
as the compiler, and doesn’t use any
compiler flags (warnings, optimization, hardening, etc.). The user
should be able to easily control all these things, but right now they’d
have to edit the entire Makefile to do so. Perhaps the user has both
and clang
installed, and wants to choose one or the other
without changing which is installed as cc
To solve this, make has macros that expand into strings when
referenced. The convention is to use the macro named CC
when talking
about the C compiler, CFLAGS
when talking about flags passed to the C
compiler, LDFLAGS
for flags passed to the C compiler when linking, and
for flags about libraries when linking. The Makefile should
supply defaults as needed.
A macro is expanded with $(...)
. It’s valid (and normal) to reference
a macro that hasn’t been defined, which will be an empty string. This
will be the case with LDFLAGS
Macro values can contain other macros, which will be expanded
recursively each time the macro is expanded. Some make implementations
allow the name of the macro being expanded to itself be a macro, which
is turing complete, but this behavior is non-standard.
CC = cc
LDLIBS = -lm
all: game
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o game graphics.o physics.o input.o $(LDLIBS)
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) graphics.c
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) physics.c
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) input.c
rm -f game graphics.o physics.o input.o
Macros are overridden by macro definitions given as command line
arguments in the form name=value
. This allows the user to select their
own build configuration. This is one of make’s most powerful and
under-appreciated features.
$ make CC=clang CFLAGS='-O3 -march=native'
If the user doesn’t want to specify these macros on every invocation,
they can (cautiously) use make’s -e
flag to set overriding macros
definitions from the environment.
$ export CC=clang
$ export CFLAGS=-O3
$ make -e all
Some make implementations have other special kinds of macro assignment
operators beyond simple assignment (=
). These are unnecessary, so
don’t worry about them.
Inference rules so that you can stop repeating yourself
The road itself tells us far more than signs do. ―Tom Vanderbilt,
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do
There’s repetition across the three different object files. Wouldn’t it
be nice if there was a way to communicate this pattern? Fortunately
there is, in the form of inference rules. It says that a target with
a certain extension, with a prerequisite with another certain extension,
is built a certain way. This will make more sense with an example.
In an inference rule, the target indicates the extensions. The $<
macro expands to the prerequisite, which is essential to making
inference rules work generically. Unfortunately this macro is not
available in target rules, as much as that would be useful.
For example, here’s an inference rule that teaches make how to build an
object file from a C source file. This particular rule is one that
is pre-defined by make, so you’ll never need to write this one yourself.
I’ll include it for completeness.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
These extensions must be added to .SUFFIXES
before they will work.
With that, the commands for the rules about object files can be omitted.
CC = cc
LDLIBS = -lm
all: game
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o game graphics.o physics.o input.o $(LDLIBS)
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
rm -f game graphics.o physics.o input.o
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
The first empty .SUFFIXES
clears the suffix list. The second one adds
and .o
to the now-empty suffix list.
Other target conventions
Conventions are, indeed, all that shield us from the shivering void,
though often they do so but poorly and desperately. ―Robert Aickman
Users usually expect an “install” target that installs the built
program, libraries, man pages, etc. By convention this target should use
macro should default to /usr/local
, and since it’s a
macro the user can override it to install elsewhere, such as in their
home directory. The user should override it for both building and
installing, since the prefix may need to be built into the binary (e.g.
is macro is used for staged builds, so that it gets
installed under a fake root directory for the sake of packaging. Unlike
PREFIX, it will not actually be run from this directory.
CC = cc
LDLIBS = -lm
PREFIX = /usr/local
all: game
install: game
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
cp -f game $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
gzip < game.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/game.1.gz
game: graphics.o physics.o input.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o game graphics.o physics.o input.o $(LDLIBS)
graphics.o: graphics.c graphics.h
physics.o: physics.c physics.h
input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
rm -f game graphics.o physics.o input.o
You may also want to provide an “uninstall” phony target that does the
make PREFIX=$HOME/.local install
Other common targets are “mostlyclean” (like “clean” but don’t delete
some slow-to-build targets), “distclean” (delete even more than
“clean”), “test” or “check” (run the test suite), and “dist” (create a
Complexity and growing pains
One of make’s big weak points is scaling up as a project grows in size.
Recursive Makefiles
As your growing project is broken into subdirectories, you may be
tempted to put a Makefile in each subdirectory and invoke them
Don’t use recursive Makefiles. It breaks the dependency
tree across separate instances of make and typically results in a
fragile build. There’s nothing good about it. Have one Makefile at the
root of your project and invoke make there. You may have to teach your
text editor how to do this.
When talking about files in subdirectories, just include the
subdirectory in the name. Everything will work the same as far as make
is concerned, including inference rules.
src/graphics.o: src/graphics.c
src/physics.o: src/physics.c
src/input.o: src/input.c
Out-of-source builds
Keeping your object files separate from your source files is a nice
idea. When it comes to make, there’s good news and bad news.
The good news is that make can do this. You can pick whatever file names
you like for targets and prerequisites.
The bad news is that inference rules are not compatible with
out-of-source builds. You’ll need to repeat the same commands for each
rule as if inference rules didn’t exist. This is tedious for large
projects, so you may want to have some sort of “configure” script, even
if hand-written, to generate all this for you. This is essentially what
CMake is all about. That, plus dependency management.
Dependency management
Another problem with scaling up is tracking the project’s ever-changing
dependencies across all the source files. Missing a dependency means the
build may not be correct unless you make clean
If you go the route of using a script to generate the tedious parts of
the Makefile, both GCC and Clang have a nice feature for generating all
the Makefile dependencies for you (-MM
, -MT
), at least for C and
C++. There are lots of tutorials for doing this dependency generation on
the fly as part of the build, but it’s fragile and slow. Much better to
do it all up front and “bake” the dependencies into the Makefile so that
make can do its job properly. If the dependencies change, rebuild your
For example, here’s what it looks like invoking gcc’s dependency
generator against the imaginary input.c
for an out-of-source build:
$ gcc $CFLAGS -MM -MT '$(BUILD)/input.o' input.c
$(BUILD)/input.o: input.c input.h graphics.h physics.h
Notice the output is in Makefile’s rule format.
Unfortunately this feature strips the leading paths from the target, so,
in practice, using it is always more complicated than it should be (e.g.
it requires the use of -MT
Microsoft’s Nmake
Microsoft has an implementation of make called Nmake, which comes with
Visual Studio. It’s nearly a POSIX-compatible make, but
necessarily breaks from the standard in some places. Their cl.exe
compiler uses .obj
as the object file extension and .exe
binaries, both of which differ from the unix world, so it has different
built-in inference rules. Windows also lacks a Bourne shell and the
standard unix tools, so all of the commands will necessarily be
There’s no equivalent of rm -f
on Windows, so good luck writing a
proper “clean” target. No, del /f
isn’t the same.
So while it’s close to POSIX make, it’s not practical to write a
Makefile that will simultaneously work properly with both POSIX make
and Nmake. These need to be separate Makefiles.
May your Makefiles be portable
It’s nice to have reliable, portable Makefiles that just work anywhere.
Code to the standards and you don’t need feature tests or
other sorts of special treatment.