Speculations on arenas and custom strings in C++

My techniques with arena allocation and strings are oriented around C. I’m always looking for a better way, and lately I’ve been experimenting with building them using C++ features. What are the trade-offs? Are the benefits worth the costs? In this article I lay out my goals, review implementation possibilities, and discuss my findings. Following along will require familiarity with those previous two articles.

Some of C++ is beyond my mental capabilities, and so I cannot wield those parts effectively. Other parts I can wrap my head around, but it requires substantial effort and the inevitable mistakes are difficult to debug. So a general goal is to minimize contact with that complexity, only touching a few higher-value features that I can use confidently.

Existing practice is unimportant. I’ve seen where that goes. Like the C standard library, the C++ standard library offers me little. Its concepts regarding ownership and memory management are irreconcilable (move semantics, smart pointers, etc.), so I have to build from scratch anyway. So absolutely no including C++ headers. The most valuable features are built right into the language, so I won’t need to include library definitions.

No public or private. Still no const beyond what is required to access certain features. This means I can toss out a bunch of keywords like class, friend, etc. It eliminates noisy, repetitive code and interfaces — getters, setters, separate const and non-const — which in my experience means fewer defects.

No references beyond mandatory cases. References hide addresses being taken — or merely implies it, when it’s actually an expensive copy — which is an annoying experience when reading unfamiliar C++. After all, for arenas the explicit address-taking (permanent) or copying (scratch) is a critical part of communicating the interfaces.

In theory constexpr could be useful, but it keeps falling short when I try it out, so I’m ignoring it. I’ll elaborate in a moment.

Minimal template use. They blow up compile times and code size, they’re noisy, and in practice they make debug builds (i.e. -O0) much slower (typically ~10x) because there’s no optimization to clean up the mess. I’ll only use them for a few foundational purposes, such as allocation. (Though this article is about the fundamental stuff.)

No methods aside from limited use of operator overloads. I want to keep a C style, plus methods just look ugly without references: obj->func() vs. func(obj). (Why are we still writing -> in the 21st century?) Function overloading can instead differentiate “methods.” Overloads are acceptable in moderation, especially because I’m paying for it (symbol decoration) whether or not I take advantage.

Finally, no exceptions of course. I assume -fno-exceptions, or the local equivalent, is active.


Let’s start with allocation. Since writing that previous article, I’ve streamlined arena allocation in C:

#define new(a, t, n)  (t *)alloc(a, sizeof(t), _Alignof(t), n)

typedef struct {
    byte *beg;
    byte *end;
} arena;

static byte *alloc(arena *a, size objsize, size align, size count)
    assert(count >= 0);
    size pad = (uptr)a->end & (align - 1);
    assert(count < (a->end - a->beg - pad)/objsize);  // oom
    return memset(a->end -= objsize*count + pad, 0, objsize*count);

(As needed, replace the second assert with whatever out of memory policy is appropriate.) Then allocating, say, a 10k-element hash table (i.e. to keep it off the stack):

    i16 *seen = new(&scratch, i16, 1<<14);

With C++, I initially tried placement new with the arena as the “place” for the allocation:

void *operator new(size_t, arena *);  // avoid this

Then to create a single object:

    object *o = new (&scratch) object{};

This exposes the constructor, but everything else about it is poor. It relies on complex, finicky rules governing new overloads, especially for alignment handling. It’s difficult to tell what’s happening, and it’s too easy to make mistakes that compile. That doesn’t even count the mess that is array new[].

I soon learned it’s better to replace the new macro with a template, which can actually see what it’s doing. I can’t call it new in C++, so I settled on make instead:

template<typename T>
static T *make(arena *a, size count = 1)
    assert(count >= 0);
    size objsize = sizeof(T);
    size align   = alignof(T);
    size pad     = (uptr)a->end & (align - 1);
    assert(count < (a->end - a->beg - pad)/objsize);  // oom
    a->end -= objsize*count + pad;
    T *r = (T *)a->end;
    for (size i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        new ((void *)&r[i]) T{};
    return r;

Then allocating that hash table becomes:

    i16 *seen = make<i16>(&scratch, 10000);

Or a single object, relying on the default argument:

    object *o = make<object>(&scratch);

Due to placement new, merely for invoking the constructor, these objects aren’t just zero-initialized, but value-initialized. It can only construct objects that define an empty initializer, but in exchange unlocks some interesting possibilities:

struct mat3 {
    f32 data[9] = {
        1, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0,
        0, 0, 1,

struct list {
    node  *head = 0;
    node **tail = &head;

When a zero-initialized state isn’t ideal, objects can still initialize to a more useful state straight out of the arena. The second case is even self-referencing, which is specifically supported through placement new. Otherwise you’d need a special-written copy or move constructor.

make could accept constructor arguments and perfect forward them to a constructor. However, that’s too far into the dark arts for my comfort, plus it requires a correct definition of std::forward. In practice that means #include-ing it, and whatever comes in with it. Or ask an expert capable of writing such a definition from scratch, though both are probably too busy.

Update 1: One of those experts, Jonathan Müller, kindly reached out to say that a static cast is sufficient. This is easy to do:

template<typename T, typename ...A>
static T *make(arena *a, size count = 1, A &&...args)
    // ...
        new ((void *)&r[i]) T{(A &&)args...};
    // ...

Update 2: I later realized that because I do not care about copy or move semantics, I also don’t care about perfect forwarding. I can simply expand the parameter pack without casting or &&. I also don’t want the extra restrictions on braced initializer conversions, so better to use parentheses with new.

template<typename T, typename ...A>
static T *make(arena *a, size count = 1, A ...args)
    // ...
        new ((void *)&r[i]) T(args...);
    // ...

One small gotcha: placement new doesn’t work out of the box, and you need to provide a definition. That means including <new> or writing one out. Fortunately it’s trivial, but the prototype must exactly match, including size_t:

void *operator new(size_t, void *p) { return p; }

Overall I feel the template is a small improvement over the macro.


Recall my basic C string type, with a macro to wrap literals:

#define countof(a)  (size)(sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)))
#define s8(s)       (s8){(u8 *)s, countof(s)-1}

typedef struct {
    u8  *data;
    size len;
} s8;

Since it doesn’t own the underlying buffer — region-based allocation has already solved the ownership problem — this is what C++ long-windedly calls a std::string_view. In C++ we won’t need the countof macro for strings, but it’s still generally useful. Converting it to a template, which is theoretically more robust (rejects pointers), but comes with a non-zero cost:

template<typename T, size N>
size countof(T (&)[N])
    return N;

The reference — here a reference to an array — is unavoidable, so it’s one of the rare cases. The same concept applies as an s8 constructor to replace the macro:

struct s8 {
    u8  *data = 0;
    size len  = 0;

    s8() = default;

    template<size N>
    s8(const char (&s)[N]) : data{(u8 *)s}, len{N-1} {}

I’ve explicitly asked to keep a default zero-initialized (empty) string since it’s useful — and necessary to directly allocate strings using make, e.g. an array of strings. const is required because string literals are const in C++, but it’s immediately stripped off for the sake of simplicity. The new constructor allows:

    s8 version = "1.2.3";

Or even more usefully:

    void print(bufout *, s8);
    // ...
    print(stdout, "hello world\n");

Define operator== and it’s more useful yet:

    b32 operator==(s8 s)
        return len==s.len && (!len || !memcmp(data, s.data, len));

Now this works, and it’s cheap and fast even in debug builds:

    s8 key = ...;
    if (key == "HOME") {
        // ...

That’s more ergonomic than the macro and comparison function. operator[] also improves ergonomics, to subscript a string without going through the data member:

    u8 &operator[](size i)
        assert(i >= 0);
        assert(i < len);
        return data[i];

The reference is again necessary to make subscripts assignable. Since s8span — make a string spanning two pointers — so often appears in my programs, a constructor seems appropriate, too:

    s8(u8 *beg, u8 *end)
        assert(beg <= end);
        data = beg;
        len = end - beg;

By the way, these assertions I’ve been using are great for catching mistakes quickly and early, and they complement fuzz testing.

I’m not sold on it, but an idea for the future: C++23’s multi-index operator[] as a slice operator:

    s8 operator[](size beg, size end)
        assert(beg >= 0);
        assert(beg <= end);
        assert(end <= len);
        return {data+beg, data+end};


    s8 msg = "foo bar baz";
    msg = msg[4,7];  // msg = "bar"

I could keep going with, say, iterators and such, but each will be more specialized and less useful. (I don’t care about range-based for loops.)

Downside: static initialization

The new string stuff is neat, but I hit a wall trying it out: These fancy constructors do not reliably construct at compile time, not even with a constexpr qualifier in two of the three major C++ implementations. A static lookup table that contains a string is likely constructed at run time in at least some builds. For example, this table:

static s8 keys[] = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};

Requires run-time construction in real world cases I care about, requiring C++ magic and linking runtime gunk. The constructor is therefore a strict downgrade from the macro, which works perfectly in these lookup tables. Once a non-default constructor is defined, I’ve been unable to find an escape hatch back to the original, dumb, reliable behavior.

Update: Jonathan Müller points out the reinterpret cast is forbidden in a constexpr function, so it’s not required to happen at compile time. After some thought, I’ve figured out a workaround using a union:

struct s8 {
    union {
        u8         *data = 0;
        const char *cdata;
    size len = 0;

    template<size N>
    constexpr s8(const char (&s)[N]) : cdata{s}, len{N-1} {}

    // ...

In all three C++ implementations, in all configurations, this reliably constructs strings at compile time. The other semantics are unchanged.

Other features

Having a generic dynamic array would be handy, and more ergonomic than my dynamic array macro:

template<typename T>
struct slice {
    T   *data = 0;
    size len  = 0;
    size cap  = 0;

    slice<T> = default;

    template<size N>
    slice<T>(T (&a)[N]) : data{a}, len{N}, cap{N} {}

    T &operator[](size i) { ... }

template<typename T>
slice<T> append(arena *, slice<T>, T);

On the other hand, hash maps are mostly solved, so I wouldn’t bother with a generic map.

Function overloads would simplify naming. For example, this in C:

prints8(bufout *, s8);
printi32(bufout *, i32);
printf64(bufout *, f64);
printvec3(bufout *, vec3);

Would hide that stuff behind the scenes in the symbol decoration:

print(bufout *, s8);
print(bufout *, i32);
print(bufout *, f64);
print(bufout *, vec3);

Same goes for a hash() function on different types.

C++ has better null pointer semantics than C. Addition or subtraction of zero with a null pointer produces a null pointer, and subtracting null pointers results in zero. This eliminates some boneheaded special case checks required in C, though not all: memcpy, for instance, arbitrarily still does not accept null pointers even in C++.

Ultimately worth it?

The static data problem is a real bummer, but perhaps it’s worth it for the other features. I still need to put it all to the test in a real, sizable project.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)