Elisp Recursive Descent Parser (rdp)

I recently developed a recursive descent parser, named rdp, for use in Emacs Lisp programs. I’ve already used it to write a compiler.

It’s available as a package on MELPA.

The Long Story

Last month Brian invited me to take a free, online programming languages course with him. You may recall that we developed a programming language together so it was only natural we would take this class.

The first part of the class is oriented around a small programming language created just for this class called ParselTongue. It looks like this:

deffun evenp(x)
    if ==(x, 0) then
    else if ==(x, 1) then
        else evenp(-(x, 2))
in defvar x = 14 in {
    while (evenp(x)) { x--; };   # Make sure x odd
    print("This is an odd number: ");
    ""; # No output

I’ve gotten so used to having a solid Emacs major mode when coding that I can’t stand writing code without the support of a major mode. Since this language was invented recently just for this class there was no mode for it, nor would there be unless someone stepped up to make one. I ended up taking that role. It was an opportunity to learn how to create a major mode, something I had never done before.

It’s called psl-mode.

At first it was just some syntax highlighting (very easy) and some poor automatic indentation. The indentation function would get confused by anything non-trivial. It’s actually really hard to get it right. I’ve grown a much better appreciation for automatic indentation in other modes.

In an attempt to improve this I decided I would try to fully parse the language and use the resulting parse tree to determine indentation — something like the depth of the pointer in the tree. My experience with Perl’s Parse::RecDescent some years ago was very positive and I wanted to reproduce that effect. However, rather than write the grammar in a separate language that mixes in the programming language, which I find extremely messy, instead I wanted to use pure s-expressions. A grammar looks very nice as an alist of symbols.

Arithmetic Parser

For example, here’s a grammar for simple arithmetic expressions, including operator precedence and grouping (i.e. “4 + 5 * 2.5”, “(4 + 5) * 2.5”, etc.).

(defvar arith-tokens
  '((sum       prod  [([+ -] sum)  no-sum])
    (prod      value [([* /] prod) no-prod])
    (num     . "-?[0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]*\\)?")
    (+       . "\\+")
    (-       . "-")
    (*       . "\\*")
    (/       . "/")
    (pexpr     "(" [sum prod num pexpr] ")")
    (value   . [pexpr num])
    (no-prod . "")
    (no-sum  . "")))

Strings are regular expressions , the only thing to actually match input text (terminals). Lists are sequences, where each element in the list must match in order. Vectors (in brackets) are choices where one of the elements must match. Symbols name an expression so that it can be referred to by other expression recursively.

Give this alist to the parser and it will return an s-expression of the parse tree of the current buffer. Due to the way the grammar must be written this parse tree isn’t really pleasant to handle directly. For example, a series of multiplications (“1 * 2 * 3 * 4”) wouldn’t parse to a nice flat list but with further depth for each additional operand.

To help squash these, the parser will accept an alist of symbols and functions which process the parse tree at parse time. For example, these corresponding functions will make sure "4 * 5 * 6" gets parsed into (* 4 (* 5 (* 6 1))).

(defun arith-op (expr)
  (destructuring-bind (a (op b)) expr
    (list op a b)))

(defvar arith-funcs
  `((sum     . ,#'arith-op)
    (prod    . ,#'arith-op)
    (num     . ,#'string-to-number)
    (+       . ,#'intern)
    (-       . ,#'intern)
    (*       . ,#'intern)
    (/       . ,#'intern)
    (pexpr   . ,#'cadr)
    (value   . ,#'identity)
    (no-prod . ,(lambda (e) '(* 1)))
    (no-sum  . ,(lambda (e) '(+ 0)))))

Notice how normal Emacs functions could be supplied directly in most cases! That makes this approach so elegant in my opinion.

Also, in arith-op note the use of destructuring-bind. I’ve found that macro to be invaluable when writing these syntax tree functions.

In this case, we can be even more clever. Rather than build a nice parse tree, the expression can be evaluated directly. All it takes is one small change,

(defun arith-op (expr)
  (destructuring-bind (a (op b)) expr
    (funcall op a b)))

With this, the parser returns the computed value directly. So this evaluates to 120.

(rdp-parse-string "4 * 5 * 6" arith-tokens arith-funcs)

ParselTongue Compiler

I discovered this useful side effect while making my ParselTongue parser. The original intention was that I’d parse the buffer for use in indentation, then maybe I’d create an interpreter to evaluate the parser output. However, the resulting parse tree was looking a lot like Elisp. In an epiphany I realized I could simply emit valid Elisp directly and forgo writing the interpreter altogether. And so I accidentally created a ParselTongue compiler! This was incredibly exciting for me to realize.

This ParselTongue program,

defvar obj = {x: 1} in { obj.x }

Compiles to this Elisp,

(let ((obj (list (cons 'x 1))))
  (progn (cdr (assq 'x obj))))

Because it compiles to such a high level language, and because ParselTongue is very Lisp-like semantically, it’s a bit unconventional: the compiler emits code during parsing. In fact, when the parser backtracks, some emitted code is thrown away.

By the end of the first evening I had implemented the majority of the compiler, which quickly took precedence over indentation. The compiler is now integrated as part of psl-mode. The current buffer can be evaluated at any time with psl-eval-buffer. This function compiles the buffer and has Emacs eval the result, printing the output in the minibuffer. Compiler output can be viewed with psl-show-elisp-compilation (mostly for my own debugging).

After a few days I integrated indentation with parsing, which required modifying the parser (changes included in rdp itself). The parser needed to keep track of where the point is in the parse tree. For indentation it basically counts the depth into the parse tree, plus a few more checks for special cases.

The parser was intentionally isolated from the rest of psl-mode so that it could be separated for general use, which I have now done. It’s been a really handy general purpose tool since then. That arithmetic parser is only 35 lines of code and took about half-an-hour to create.

Future Directions

I also wrote a bencode parseronly the bencode-tokens and bencode-funcs alists are needed to parse bencode, about 30 LOC. Careful observation will reveal that I cheated and the result is a little hackish. Due to the way strings work, bencode is not context-free so it can’t be parsed purely by the grammar. I can work around it by having the parse tree function for strings consume input, since it’s called during parsing.

I’ll be using rdp to parse many more things in the future, I’m sure. It’s much more powerful than I expected.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)