Test cross-architecture without leaving home

I like to test my software across different environments, on strange platforms, and with alternative implementations. Each has its own quirks and oddities that can shake bugs out earlier. C is particularly good at this since it has such a wide selection of compilers and runs on everything. For instance I count at least 7 distinct C compilers in Debian alone. One advantage of writing portable software is access to a broader testing environment, and it’s one reason I prefer to target standards rather than specific platforms.

However, I’ve long struggled with architecture diversity. My work and testing has been almost entirely on x86, with ARM as a distant second (Raspberry Pi and friends). Big endian hosts are particularly rare. However, I recently learned a trick for quickly and conveniently accessing many different architectures without even leaving my laptop: QEMU User Emulation. Debian and its derivatives support this very well and require almost no setup or configuration.

Cross-compilation Example

While there are many options, my main cross-testing architecture has been PowerPC. It’s 32-bit big endian, while I’m generally working on 64-bit little endian, which is exactly the sort of mismatch I’m going for. I use a Debian-supplied cross-compiler and qemu-user tools. The binfmt support is especially slick, so that’s how I usually use it.

# apt install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu qemu-user-binfmt

binfmt_misc is a kernel module that teaches Linux how to recognize arbitrary binary formats. For instance, there’s a Wine binfmt so that Linux programs can transparently exec(3) Windows .exe binaries. In the case of QEMU User Mode, binaries for foreign architectures are loaded into a QEMU virtual machine configured in user mode. In user mode there’s no guest operating system, and instead the virtual machine translates guest system calls to the host operating system.

The first package gives me powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc. The prefix is the architecture tuple describing the instruction set and system ABI. To try this out, I have a little test program that inspects its execution environment:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    char *w = "?";
    switch (sizeof(void *)) {
    case 1: w = "8";  break;
    case 2: w = "16"; break;
    case 4: w = "32"; break;
    case 8: w = "64"; break;

    char *b = "?";
    switch (*(char *)(int []){1}) {
    case 0: b = "big";    break;
    case 1: b = "little"; break;

    printf("%s-bit, %s endian\n", w, b);

When I run this natively on x86-64:

$ gcc test.c
$ ./a.out
64-bit, little endian

Running it on PowerPC via QEMU:

$ powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc -static test.c
$ ./a.out
32-bit, big endian

Thanks to binfmt, I could execute it as though the PowerPC binary were a native binary. With just a couple of environment variables in the right place, I could pretend I’m developing on PowerPC — aside from emulation performance penalties of course.

However, you might have noticed I pulled a sneaky on ya: -static. So far what I’ve shown only works with static binaries. There’s no dynamic loader available to run dynamically-linked binaries. Fortunately this is easy to fix in two steps. The first step is to install the dynamic linker for PowerPC:

# apt install libc6-powerpc-cross

The second is to tell QEMU where to find it since, unfortunately, it cannot currently do so on its own.

$ export QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/powerpc-linux-gnu

Now I can leave out the -static:

$ powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc test.c
$ ./a.out
32-bit, big endian

A practical example: Remember binitools? I’m now ready to run its fuzz-generated test suite on this cross-testing platform.

$ git clone https://github.com/skeeto/binitools
$ cd binitools/
$ make check CC=powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc
PASS: 668/668

Or if I’m going to be running make often:

$ export CC=powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc
$ make -e check

Recall: make’s -e flag passes the environment through, so I don’t need to pass CC=... on the command line each time.

When setting up a test suite for your own programs, consider how difficult it would be to run the tests under customized circumstances like this. The easier it is to run your tests, the more they’re going to be run. I’ve run into many projects with such overly-complex test builds that even enabling sanitizers in the tests suite was a pain, let alone cross-architecture testing.

Dependencies? There might be a way to use Debian’s multiarch support to install these packages, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. You likely need to build dependencies yourself using the cross compiler.

Testing with Go

None of this is limited to C (or even C++). I’ve also successfully used this to test Go libraries and programs cross-architecture. This isn’t nearly as important since it’s harder to write unportable Go than C — e.g. dumb pointer tricks are literally labeled “unsafe”. However, Go (gc) trivializes cross-compilation and is statically compiled, so it’s incredibly simple. Once you’ve installed qemu-user-binfmt it’s entirely transparent:

$ GOARCH=mips64 go test

That’s all there is to cross-platform testing. If for some reason binfmt doesn’t work (WSL) or you don’t want to install it, there’s just one extra step (package named example):

$ GOARCH=mips64 go test -c
$ qemu-mips64-static example.test

The -c option builds a test binary but doesn’t run it, instead allowing you to choose where and how to run it.

It even works with cgo — if you’re willing to jump through the same hoops as with C of course:

package main

// #include <stdint.h>
// uint16_t v = 0x1234;
// char *hi = (char *)&v + 0;
// char *lo = (char *)&v + 1;
import "C"
import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("%02x %02x\n", *C.hi, *C.lo)

With go run on x86-64:

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 go run example.go
34 12

Via QEMU User Mode:

$ export CGO_ENABLED=1
$ export GOARCH=mips64
$ export CC=mips64-linux-gnuabi64-gcc
$ export QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/mips64-linux-gnuabi64
$ go run example.go
12 34

I was pleasantly surprised how well this all works.

One dimension

Despite the variety, all these architectures are still “running” the same operating system, Linux, and so they only vary on one dimension. For most programs primarily targeting x86-64 Linux, PowerPC Linux is practically the same thing, while x86-64 OpenBSD is foreign territory despite sharing an architecture and ABI (System V). Testing across operating systems still requires spending the time to install, configure, and maintain these extra hosts. That’s an article for another time.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)